Chpt 1- How it began

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     The year is 3362 and the earth that was once overruled by humans is now thriving with wild life all acrossed the nations. The wild life does not just consist of natures animals but the ones mankind made themselves. The government had abandoned it's people and by people that ment the poor and middle class. They were left to defend themselves against the genetic mutants that the military had made and let lose on purpose. These creatures are mutated with 2-7 animals and most are violent. Almost over 109 man made creatures now roam around on earth and at least 5 of them live in the depths of the ocean. 

     This all first started when genetic mutant plants were made in the year 3000. They were made to help with the food shortage problems made by weather. These plants were mutated to withstand the cold hard winter and still be able to produce vegetables and fruit. As scientist kept working with this and the food shortage became no more in a matter of months other scientists had a different idea. In the year 3002 genetic mutation involving animals was achieved by Dr. Cullins Fordsworth in America. This first genetic mutant was mutated with wasp, gila monster, and bat. Dr. Fordsworth said he had gotten the idea for the genetic mutant from a sci-fi t.v that aired in the early 2000's. He wanted to make the beast real and to his own surprise he did. Once they made this one they started to make more to see how  they functioned together. They spend months watching them. The scientist kept the population down and under control. They named this species of mutant Chirhelobym.

     American scientist shared this information with over around the world and soon others tried making their own mutants. Most of them had failed. Wasn't long until the U.S government stepped in on what Dr. Fordswroth was working on. The government made a deal with Dr. Fordsworth that they would fund their research as long as the government controlled who the information and findings were shared with. It was the governments idea to try to create a machine that would make genetic splicing and mutating easier. This machine was made 11 years later with the help of over 30 scientists. The U.S government didn't want to share this invention with any other country but someone had leaked the plans and blueprints of the machine.

      The first genetic mutant to have human in it was created in China, on Fed. 22nd, 3020. On December at approximately 7pm it was announced that these human mutants killed everyone in the research facility. An s.o.s was broad casted early that day by someone unknown at that time. Before anything was done a meeting of the nations was conducted. The U.S agreed to be the ones to go and investigate what had occurred. This was only allowed as long as some of the troops were from the Chinese military. There was no information on what other mutants were in the facility and if they had gotten out. The only thing that was clear was these human mutants were loose but so far it's unknown if any of them gotten out of the building. Three days passed before the U.S was able to send troops in. They were what you would call "special Ops". The U.S sent 25 of their own troops in along with the 15 Chinese military. A total of 40 troops had been sent in and only 10 made it out alive, six of them were severely wounded. They were in the facility for only 27 hours and they refused to go back in. They said the mutants with the human genes in them were very intelligent, violent and the scary part was that they walked on two feet and almost looked human. They attacked the troops and ripped some of them apart limb from limb. The lights in the facility were damaged and the mutants could see in the dark. The halls echoed with their horrid screams. The troops that made it out said they think they got all the human genetic mutants but couldn't take out the rest of the mutants left. A team of military personal were sent in to kill the rest of the mutants left. What they found inside scarred them for life. Once they had finished a team of forensic scientists and scientists who specialized in mutants were sent in. Blood covered the walls, floors and even the ceiling. Body parts were scattered everywhere and no one could tell what body parts belonged to the military who came in and which parts belonged to the scientists who worked here. Some of the bodies were half eaten and mangled. Claw marks were found on some of the walls and rooms.

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