Chapter Four

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"Hey Y/n do-" Nat turned around to ask a question, only to be met with Y/n and her sister in their own little world. She stopped herself as to let the girls enjoy their moment, but it was too late. The two quickly pulled away from one another and awkwardly looked to Nat and Wanda- who had her mouth wide open with excitement.

"Uhmm..." Yelena said, her face slightly red from embarrassment.
Nat whistled at the two as Wanda softly slapped her shoulder and whispered "You owe me 20 bucks!"
But Y/n heard the witch and scratched her head before giving Natasha a look. "You seriously made a bet?"
Nat threw her hands up in a fake surrender. "Hey! Wands said she was getting some vibes from you during your first week here and I bet her a 20 that she was wrong. Guess i'm just that bad at reading you" the widow said with a laugh, before Y/n and the Witch joined in.
"Tasha-" Yelena interrupted the group's laughter, "Did you forget witchy here can read minds?".
Nat was silent for a second, "No yeah I remembered that.." She said as she glanced around the room.

Y/n furrowed her brows at the widow. "Yeah okay, sure" she said before sharing a laugh with the rest of the group. "Anyway...", She sighed, "Can someone get Doctor Banner so I can get outta here?"
"I'll go, I've been meaning to talk to him anyway" Nat replied in a hurry before heading out of the room.

Wanda let out a quiet chuckle, "She just wanted to get out of the embarrassment"
"Definitely" Yelena said with a grin as she stood to join Wanda, "So, tell me more about those vibes you were getting.."

As the Witch and her love were in conversation, Y/n took the moment to sit up for the first time since she woke up; But the second she lifted herself up, an excruciating pain filled her head and shot down her spine causing her to let out a bloodcurdling scream. "Y/N!" Yelena rushed to the girls side, but when she grabbed Y/n's face swirls of yellow energy started forming around her before sending a blast through the room, causing Yelena to hit the opposite wall- and knocking over Wanda who was paging Bruce and the team.


• Yelena's POV •

Yelena opens her eyes to be met with Bruce looking down at her.

"Hey! You're awake" he smiles.
"W-what happened?" Yelena asks before remembering what happened and sitting up rapidly, "Y/n! Is Y/n okay?!"
Bruce places his hand on her shoulder to lay her back down "Woah there pal, slow down you have a concussion and a head wound that I just stitched up."
"I don't care! Is she okay?"
"Yes she is. She is unconscious though, I think the energy-magic-blast thing drained all her energy."
"Where did that even come from?"
"I have no idea. I'm going to be running some tests but I'm thinking that she came into contact with Loki's Scepter or something similar."

Yelena sighs as she lays back and begins thinking about the situation, but most importantly when and how.  Just as the girl is getting lost in her thoughts her sister walks in, snapping her out of it.

"Hey Banner, Tony want's us in the meeting room in 5- Oh Lena, you're awake!" The red head rushes over give her a hug, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling okay, just a little worried about Y/n... Oh, Wanda, is she okay?"
"I meant how are you feeling physically but, Wanda is okay just some bruises. And stop worrying about Y/n so much, I know she's your girlfriend but geez she's okay."
Yelena punches Nat's shoulder "She is not my girlfriend!"
"Not yet" Nat winks "Anyway I wish I could stay longer but Banner and I have to get to that meeting. I'll come here as soon as we're done"
Bruce chimes in, "Which means you stay right there in that bed until I clear you! I mean it"
Yelena groans "Fine... *сука"

Nat and Bruce chuckle as they leave the room together, while Yelena listens for the sound of the elevator doors opening and closing so she can do exactly what Bruce said not to. When she thinks the coast is clear, she stands up and takes a moment to adjust to the concussion symptoms before going over to Y/n's unit.

*сука [suka] - bitch

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