Punctual as ever.

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My bedroom door slammed open and my little sister came waddling in, half conscious and bleary eyes, my thick duvet moved an inch as she crawled beneathed the thin sheet. Then I felt a small pinch against my leg, then my stomach, then her tiny little fingers were slapping my face.

Up! Up! She whispered into my ear.

Go away, Rosie.

No! No! No! A tongue slid into my ear and I grabbed her face with my hand and pushed her of the bed.

She began to whine.

We're gonna be late!

No we won't.

She made the tiniest of huffs, crawling back on top of the blanket and throwing her body on top of mine.

You have training today she said banging her forehead against my boobs.

Not untill 7:30.

It's. 7. 17.

It was silent for a long moment before I threw myself out of bed, sending her flying.

I hate you. Go wake up your brothers.

Will! That's mean!

Cry about it later. Teeth. Clothes.

But what about breakfast she said, throwing herself down on the floor?

I dived for draws. Catching up an oversized pair of brown joggers, pulling my night shirt of and putting my arms through a sports bra, zipping it at the front.

I caught up Rosie from the floor just as I threw a giant hoodie over my head.

She dead weighted.

I'll let you use the spray bottle I groaned.

She looked at me through squinting eyes in consideration, before jumping up and running down the hall. She skidded before a cabinet pulling it open and catching up and old tile cleaner spray bottle full of water. She started banging on doors, not waiting for an invitation. Her keen feet could be heard against the creaking wood floor and then my brothers yells.

She lunged out of the room as three pillows were sent in her direction. Before skipping towards the door furthest from mine.


The squeaking of my sisters bed sounded and a male groan I recognised all to well.

I walked down the hall pulling on my socks and boots. Before halting in the doorway of Ivy's room. Watching as Caden ruffled Rosie's hair.

Bathroom I alerted quickly and Caden was sprinting out of the room only half dressed, just as Finley slid through the door, slipping on the bathmat and having to catch himself from smacking his head on the bath. Nick however was already on the toilet, his eyes half closed.

Use my bathroom I said to Carden as he glared at my brother, submitting to the defeat.

He quickly ran for it again before Klaus could get ot of bed.

Let Rose brush her teeth I called after him and she hopped down the hall at his heels.

How late will we be, Ivy asked, cascading out from under her sheets?

It's Fin's turn to take Rose to school, we should be good.

She pulled herself up by the window frame before pulling herself into an attire not too dissimilar from my own. Except she wore leggings. She trudged of after Rosie to brush her teeth.

I walked in, grabbing my toothbrush and squeezing the almost empty toothpaste tube onto my brush as nick tumbled of the toilet. I ignored the waft that came with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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