Makeup Sex

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Kristen looked at her phone. The notification for another missed call appeared. She sighed and tossed it aside.
"Have you considered trying to talk to him," Kristen jumped at the voice. She had forgotten that Bailey was there. She turned from her vanity and looked at Bailey with an annoyed glare. Bailey sat cozily on Kristen's bed tucked between the plethora of pillows. She twirled a piece of her brunette hair around her pointer finger. 
"No, it has not occurred to me that I should try to talk to his alcoholic, cheating ass,"Kristen hissed.  Bailey sighed and pulled her phone out. She mindlessly scrolled through her Instagram feed.
"Look Kris, all I'm saying is maybe you should give him a chance to tell his side of the story." She said annoyed. Kristen had been a moody bitch since she stopped talking to Jude.
"Bailey, hun, I think I know plenty of his side of the story. And I know that he is out of control right now. I just don't know how I can trust him again." Kristen felt tears brimming her eyes as the image of him and another woman played through her mind.
"Besides, he has Krystal to keep him occupied." She hastily mumbled. Bailey sighed, she set her phone aside and pat the bed. Kirsten obliged the gesture and sat beside her friend. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Joe was right, he did go on to break my heart," she whimpered. Bailey placed a hand on Kirsten's back and gave her a few comforting pats.
"Look, I'm going to a party later tonight with Jayson. You could come hang. Maybe have a few beers and loosen up, it might be good for you," Bailey said with a reassuring smile.
"I don't know," Kristen sighed.
"Aw come on, it's not very often that Valentine's Day falls on a Friday! It's not like you got much going this weekend," Bailey begged. Kristen thought for a moment. She let out a heavy sigh and nodded,
"Okay, I suppose it would be nice to get out." Bailey smirked, and did a small victory dance. Kristen smiled and rolled her eyes. She stood and paced to her vanity once more, she glanced at her phone once more. She picked it up and switched it to "do not disturb".

Kristen anxiously fumbled with her thumbs as she looked out the window of the car. Bailey chatted to Jayson loudly over the music he'd turned on in an attempt to drown her antics out. Kristen wondered why Bailey stayed with him sometimes, it seemed like he'd checked out a long time ago.
Jayson glanced up at the rear view mirror and peering at Kristen's slouched figure in the back seat. Though he thought Kristen could be a bitch, he couldn't help but pity her in this moment. Kristen, who was always stoic, was showing real hurt.
"Jayson! Keep your eyes on the road!" Bailey screeched as she ripped the steering wheel from his grip. The car veered to the left and Jayson quickly corrected their track.
"Jesus Christ Bailey, am I driving or are you?!" Jayson huffed. Bailey's cheeks were dusty red with anger.
"Well I'm sorry, you thought it was a good idea to drift into oncoming traffic." Bailey hissed sarcastically. Jayson sighed, he knew that it was pointless to argue with her. Bailey turned to Kirsten who was gripping her seat anxiously. Her eyes full of concern.
"Sorry Kris, it would appear we need to do a driver's education course with Jayson again." Kristen forced a smile and shrugged.
"It's okay, it happens," she blurted and turned her gaze back to the window. Bailey turned and bore holes in the side of Jayson's head. Jayson did his best to avoid the glare as he pulled into his friends driveway. Heart shape balloons swayed in the soft February breeze along the walk way to the front door. Red Christmas lights lined the front door. Jayson shut the car off and unbuckled himself. He swung his door open and quickly exited. Bailey followed suit. Kristen took a deep breath before unbuckling and stepping out of the car. She heard the front door creak open. A slender man appeared and threw his arms up.
"Jayson, how you been brother!" His voice was deceivingly deep. A crooked smile playing across his lips.
"Hey Tyler, been good! And how about you?" Jayson hollered back. Tyler shook his head in an effort to get his unkempt blonde hair out of his face.
"Pretty good man, Sasha was so excited that y'all were coming over." Tyler gestured toward the door,
"Come on in." Kirsten reached back in the car and pulled out a bottle of vodka. Bailey and Jayson had already made their way to the front door. Kirsten sighed and twisted the lid off the bottle. She took a large swig and puckered as the alcohol burned its way down her throat. She walked to the door and joined her friends. As they entered the home the smell of sugar cookies filled the air. Bailey and Jayson stopped before Kristen could get in past the doorframe. Her eyes scanned the home. The living room was small. A couch was neatly tucked in the corner of the room. A tv on a run down stand across from it. A large card table tucked near the front door table had an assortment of cookies and candies. A petite woman stood arranging bottles of soda along the edge of the table. Her long black hair fell along her back in soft curls. Her back dress fit tightly around her, exasperating her pregnant belly. She turned her gaze to Kristen and her friends and smiled. Her ice blue eyes were piercing. Tyler pushed past Bailey and Jayson and embraced the woman. As he pushed away he gently grabbed the last bottle of soda from her,
"I thought I told you to relax," he smirked. She rolled her eyes and disregarded Tyler.
"Hey guys!" She chimed as she pulled Bailey into a hug.
"Hey Sasha, how you been?" Bailey inquired as Sasha released her from her embrace. Sasha smiled,
"I've been very pregnant," she sighed and rubbed her belly. Kirsten awkwardly stood in the doorway. It had been years since she had talked to Tyler and Sasha. Last time she had remembered seeing them was her senior prom. Sasha peered around Bailey and her eyes widened.
"Kirsten is that you?" She squeaked. Kirsten smiled slightly and nodded,
"In the flesh," she said as she spread open her arms. Sasha pulled Kristen into a tight hug. As she released Kirsten she raised an eyebrow.
"No other half today?" Sasha scanned behind Kristen for her significant other. Kristen tensed at the question.
"Oh, um, we're on a break," Kristen blurted out.
A break? This was far from the truth, they were barely even on talking terms. Kristen swallowed hard and forced an awkward smile. Sasha pulled Kristen back into a hug,
"Sorry Kris, I didn't realize," she whispered. Kristen shrugged.
"It's okay, it's not really public knowledge." Sasha nodded and glanced at her husband in an effort to signal she wanted a change of conversation. Tyler rubbed the back of his neck,
"So, we um, are ordering pizza. Anyone have a preference on pizza places?" He awkwardly blurted. Sasha rolled her eyes as she let Kristen escape her embrace. Jayson and Bailey shook their heads,
"Nah, anywhere is good," Jayson stated as he ushered to the couch, Bailey trailing behind him. Sasha returned to her husband's side near the snack table. Kristen pulled the front door closed behind her as she finally got past the door frame.
"Cool, cool." Tyler echoed. Kristen sighed and sat on the floor beside the couch. It was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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