The Hunt

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(warning, there is brief smut in this chapter) 

They sat in silence for a while, it was a long drive from the bunker. Dean turned on the radio to break the silence. Sam gave Dean the look of *really dude, why are you playing these old songs.* That made Dean turn up the volume. Cas covered his ears, he had never heard music this loud before. "DEAN TURN IT OFF!" Cas yelled from the back seat. "SORRY I CAN'T HEAR YOU THE MUSIC IS TOO LOUD!" Dean said, smiling in the mirror. Sam had the courage to stop the music. Dean was singing at the top of his lungs, but he looked at Sam like *Bro, could you be any less of a dick.* "Thank you SAM," Cas said, glaring at Dean. 

As the impala cruised along in the early morning, you could see just about every tree and inch of field. Cas looked out the window with great joy as he saw bees in a meadow nearby. "Dean, look. Bees!" Cas said, jumping in the backseat. Dean smiled happily at his angel as they reached their destination. "Well, here we are. Virgina." Sam stated, shutting the door to the Impla. As the boys headed towards the house, there were people and police officers around the crime scene. "Hello, fellas. What can I do you for?" an officer said as he approached them. Luckily for Dean, he pulled out his fake FBI badge and held it up for the officer to see. "I'm Agent Jones, and these are my partners Agent Johnson and Agent Spears" Dean said, guesturing to Sam and Cas. 

"Well, I'm officer Richards, nice to meet you fellas. Right this way, boys" Richards said. Cas took Dean's hand and held it. Dean was startled but took Cas's hand and held it too. They walked to the victim, who was hanging by a rope, right under the roof of the house. "The woman's name is Ashley Margret, died of a suicide. But with the amount of suicides that have happened here, I think this might be a staged murder" officer Richards explained. Dean took one very long, but careful look at the body, he noticed that her eyes were missing, as well as her stomach being slashed, just like the article Sam was reading up on earlier. "Yeah, it looks like she was injured before her death," Dean stated, pointing at her wound. The officer took a look and replied "Oh, wow, it looks like she bled out to death while whoever hang her," Dean looked at the officer, then back at Sam and Cas. "Well, call us if you need anything. Here is my card," Dean said, giving him a card with his fake name and his number on it. "Thank you, I sure will do that, you have a good day" Richards said, walking away. "Well, now what?" Sam asked, looking at Dean as if he had answers to everything. 

"Well, I say we wait until they leave and we dig deeper into the house and see what's got whatever haunting this house pissed off," Dean said, heading back to the impala. Sam and Cas followed and they drove to a nearby hotel, which was a ten minute drive. Once they got the room, Sam, Dean, and Cas made thier way down and settled in for the night. Well, Dean and Cas did, but Sam had other plans. "I'm gonna go to the library and dig around some more. Call me if you need anything," Sam said, leaving with the keys. This meant that Dean and Cas were alone moments later. 

"So, wanna watch Tv?" Dean asked, Cas looked at him smiling. "I would love to," Cas said as Dean turned on the old Tv in the hotel. about 15 minutes go by and Dean has a sudden erection that he had no idea about. He tried to shift, covering it. "Are you ok? Do you need to poop?" Cas asked, tilting his head. Dean shook his head "Uh, no, just trying to get rid of something," Dean replied, blushing. Cas looked at Dean with utter confusion. "What are you talking about?" Cas pried, looking for an answer. "Oh, uh- Well. You see I have uh, a problem down there" Dean said, pointing at his crotch with one hand while the other was covering it. Cas looked down, smiling. 

"Oh," Cas put his hand on Dean's. "Let me help you with that then," Cas cooed as he slowly pulled Dean's face closer to his and kissed him softly. They melted into each other's arms, Cas was ontop of Dean, pulling his hair and biting his neck. Making sure to be gentle. Which earned sounds of pleasure from the hunter, making the angel choke him lightly. "Be my good boy" Cas smiled, laying his hunter down on the bed. Dean layed back and bit his lip. "ah ah ah, thats my job now" Cas said, tugging Dean's lip with his teeth. Cas grabbed the buldge that had quickly formed in his hunter's pants, causing Dean to moan softly. Cas slid his hand down Dean's boxers to touch his very hard member. "You want me to palm you, my whore" Cas teased, lightly palming it. Dean arched his back, nodding. "I want to hear you say it, my love" Cas cooed in his ear. "I-I-I want you to palm m-me, Sir" Dean said desperately. Cas smiled at how much Dean wanted him to continue. "Alright my pet, I'll do it for you" Cas smirked and started to stroke his hunter. 

Dean moaned, grabbing the bedsheets as Cas sped up a little. Dean had never felt such pleasure from an angel, but this was so heavenly that he was releasing. Cas quickly covered the hole on his member and continued to stroke him, harder and faster. Dean was so desperate that he arched his back "Please, I-I'm so close" Dean moaned out. Cas bit his neck and uncovered the hole, causing Dean to release. Dean layed back, breathless and sweaty. Cas licked up the mess and pulled his hunter close. "Good boy," Cas teased and gave the hunter a long, passionate kiss. "I'm so tired now" Dean said as Cas covered him and his lover up. Dean fell asleep, holding his angel close to his chest. 

Finally. The angel was his. And nothing could take Cas away from him. Which was perfectly fine with Dean. 

(ok so i revised this story, more is coming tomorrow so don't worry my pretties!!) 

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