Love is in the Air

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-10 Days until the Mid-Season Premiere and until we see Surrera back on our screens!!-
-Countdown made by @SurreraCounts on Twitter-

It's Valentine's Day and it's a sunny day in Seattle.

Robert was first to get up, which is a usual depending on the day and how busy the night before was.

Holidays aren't necessarily something Robert was too fond of partaking in, unless it was one of the major all around family oriented ones such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

He knew however, that Andy loved random gifts and just days in general that they would plan and take time to come together and be with each other with no interruptions such as calls or other events. Today was a day of love specifically and Robert knew Andy had a little something planned, but little did she know he also had something planned.

He set up two dozen red heart balloons in their dining room and pinned up an "I love you" sign in small gold letters on the wall. He had a red runner going across the spacious table and had two white dish sets lined up ready to be spread with the breakfast he had prepared that sat cooling in the oven on a warm setting. Roses sat in a vase and chocolates were spread around it.

After setting down the last of his non surprise gifts, he heard the door to their bedroom open followed quickly behind the sound of Andys house slippers against the wood floors.

"Robert?" Andy whispered out, realizing the house was a little too quiet.

"Good Morning love. Happy Valentine's Day" Robert spoke out, coming up closely behind Andys back which caused her to get a little startled but she quickly took in his embrace.

"I thought we planned to just do the gifts in bed and order in"

Andy peaked over her husbands shoulder noticing a glimpse of the dining room from where they stood currently.

Instead of answering right away, Robert leaned down and gave Andy a kiss of which she reciprocated and after realizing they were getting in too deep, they broke apart.

"Plans never work out for us Andrea, you know this. What I have waiting for you isn't anything big, just think of it like one of my regular spontaneous gift giving moments."

They walked over into the dining room, and Andy took in the scenery with a smile on her face. She knew Robert was a very affectionate romantic person, but when he did things like this she couldn't help but feel even more loved and thankful for him.

Robert pulled out her chair of which she sat down and said thank you followed by a kiss on the forehead from Robert. He left into the kitchen to fix both plates up with food and grab the beverage to top it all off.

French toast drizzled in warm syrup lines the plate with a side of bacon and fresh fruit in a bowl. A fresh fruit punch made by Robert, sat in a pitcher with ice cubes and fruits added in for a bit of decoration.

"This is so beautiful baby" Andy exclaimed, slightly overwhelmed by everything both in front of her and around her in the confined area.

Once Robert took his seat, Andy took in the first bite and as usual the taste was superb and she sighed in aww of the many flavors currently sitting on her tastebuds.

"You cook such good food every time" She complimented of which Robert smiled and gave her a double thumbs up.

Breakfast was mostly eaten in silence, with a few glances towards each other every now and again and once finished, Andy decided to clear the table and wash everything up.

"Is it finally gift giving time?" Robert questioned as Andy walked back into the dining room to see him still sitting at the table and waiting there for her.

"After I go upstairs and bring down the ones I got for you" She responded sending him a wink of which she gave no time in looking back to see how he responded.

Gift giving was pretty hard for Andy and Robert, because they're used to giving random gifts to each other at random times, so there's always a hard pick to choose from.

Andy knew what she wanted to give Robert, considering a couple weeks prior he had shown her pictures of the items he wanted to get for himself and wanted her opinion on. Robert had been planning on his last major gift, for their anniversary surprise but due to a lack of patience and hate of secrecy he decided to just do it now.

Robert was first to receive his very detailed wrapped gift bag and box which had him a little puzzled because of both the size and the fact there was no hints.

In the box sat a watch and a belt both of which Robert was very excited but shocked to receive.

"This was pricey Andy but I do love you and of course I love the gift." He replied bringing her in for a hug.

Andy gifts soon followed, and she received a set of lotion,body wash and scrub alongside a silky pair of pajamas and a brand new red comforter set, she's been eyeing and showing to Robert.

"I'm so old" Andy commented looking down at the gifts that had her very excited to put on both her body and their bed.

"These gifts aren't necessarily old people gifts, a new comforter is needed for the bed and well you take a lot of showers so the more soap and lotion the merrier" He commented, which made Andy let out an outburst of laughter because even though she was a firefighter, both her and Robert knew that wasn't the only reason for her numerous showers.

After clearing up some of the mess and putting the gifts to the side, Robert was able to sneak off into his office area and grab the last gift for Andy.

As previously told, Andy sat on the couch with two mugs of coffee and a big fluffy blanket and the TV loaded up with a romantic comedy movie ready to press play.

"I have one last gift and I know your going to love it, but your also probably going to jokingly want to put my cards on a hold for some time." Robert said laughing, knowing that he was just rambling to make the situation lighter on himself.

Taking ahold of Andys ring finger, he slid off the one currently placed there and rested her hand on his knee.

Opening the dark navy jewelry box, a teardrop shaped diamond ring sat in the cushion box. Andy gasped at the sight of it and Robert took notice of her suddenly watery eyes.

He slid the ring onto her finger and checked to make sure it was secured and well fitted, and lifted it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss onto her finger. Robert then pulled her into a hug and held her tightly as he whispered into her ear.

"I know the first ring, wasn't much of your style but I hope you love this one. I love you Andrea" He said placing a kiss against her lips and wiping the few tears that slid down her face.

"It's beautiful and perfect, I'm glad I went with this decision over the other one we looked at." She said pulling out of his embrace and finally observing the ring.

"I love you more Robert Sullivan." Andy said looking up at him smiling after a silent moment of observing.

Snuggling back onto the couch, Andy pressed play on the movie and made a mental note to send a picture of her ring to the group chat for everyone to see considering they won't see it often at work.

The day went on as such, with them lounging around and loving on each other. They did their workout routine, went for a bike ride in the park and eventually came home to get dressed for dinner followed by a very well dessert in the comfort and silence of their home.

-I hope you readers enjoyed this short but hopefully sweet enough one shot, and thank you for taking the time out to read and vote.-
-Happy Valentine's Day!❤️-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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