chapter 34 - our adventures

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I have always liked the idea of falling in love. Finding that special someone, going on dates, spending valuable time together until you couldn't bear the idea of being apart—those were the concepts I looked forward to.

Now that I have him, I realized I actually love the idea of falling in love. In fact, the idea barely feels like an idea anymore. I am in love with Grayson Summers, and it is the most amazing feeling I have ever had the honor of feeling.

During the four weeks after the senior trip to New York City, Grayson and I spent almost every day in each other's company. We never grew sick of spending time together and only focused on making memories. Some of those memories included kissing the fuck out of the other's lips, but they were still memories and that was all that mattered to us.

It's a Saturday at the end of April and the two of us are about to make another memory.

I'm shoving my wallet into my tote bag when a knock comes from my door. Jessica pops her head in shortly afterwards.

"Grayson's car just pulled in," she says, nodding in the direction of the stairs.

I nod my own head, sling my bag over my shoulder, and exit my bedroom to greet him. Jess's voice calls out from behind me:

"Dad wants to meet him, by the way."

I don't mean to sound so shocked by the information, but my head whips back around to her anyways, my eyes wider than normal.

She shrugs. "It's been, what, a month of you two dating? I'm sure it's an appropriate time for the two men in your life to meet."

"Dad didn't meet Quinn as your girlfriend until three months after you two started dating," I shoot back.

I don't know why I'm getting so defensive. They're bound to meet eventually, why should I put it off any longer? My mind tells me it's out of fear that my dad will disapprove of him and I'll become a frowned-upon daughter who went against her father's word. Jessica had it easy; Quinn is easily the most lovable girl in the entire world. It's too bad my boyfriend is famous for his cold glares, otherwise I wouldn't be so fearful.

I know I shouldn't be so doubtful of Grayson. When he accidentally met my mother way-back-when, he was amazingly polite, even as she came off as rude. Therefore, I have nothing to really worry about. If he can survive my mother, he can survive my dad, who is a million times less terrifying.

Jessica rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Well," she says in her most annoyed-sister-voice possible, "dad didn't know Quinn was my girlfriend until about a month ago, so I would say we're pretty even. I'm sure dad will approve of him, or whatever it is that fathers do to their daughter's partners these days."

"Thanks for the reassurance," I monotone before finally moving downstairs just as Grayson knocks on the door.

I pass the kitchen and notice my dad casually leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee, pretending to read the newspaper. I can tell he's pretending by the way his eyes kept flicking from me, to the front door, and back to the articles in a continuous pattern. Someone should teach him to be more slick.

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