Chapter 3 : Mistake

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hi lovelies! it's been a while since my last update, and here i am giving you all an update. i miss you all so much! enjoy reading!


Taehyung's POV

"jimin where are you?" i shouted when i entered the min's mansion

" tae? why wait we're here at the dining room why?" jimin said and went to his panicking bestfriend

"chim, anne went to the company and she took jungkook with her and now we are still tracking her location, I'm getting worried"

" hey tae calm down okay, we will get jungkook there okay? stay here with jin hyung i need to do my work you know we had a deal right? trust me tae" jimin said and hug his soulmate before jimin went out and called someone

" hello, i'd like to meet your boss right now is she free?" jimin said while keeping his cool or else he will kill anne without hesitation

"I'm sorry but our boss is not here right now, can we know your name sir?" the other person said

"I'm Park Jimin. And i need to see your fucking boss or i will ripped your head and your body! send me her location right fucking now!" jimin shouted and stressed out 

"C-calm down sir, Our boss is at her house in gwangju w-with sir j-jungkook" the employer said and jimin ended the call and started driving there, he called the others and told them that anne and jungkook is at gwangju 

" jimin, you should listen to me! What if that psycho bitch hurt you huh?! I FUCKING SWEAR I WOULD NOT HESITATE TO KILL HER IF SHE LAYS A SINGLE FINGER OF HER IN YOU! I said we are going together! not by yourself!" yoongi said on the call while jimin is driving heading to gwangju

" Baby im sorry but i need to, don't worry she won't hurt me i promise, i wouldn't allow her to hurt me okay? I love you, see you there baby safe drive, please" jimin said and ended the call

" Don't worry tae,I will make sure i do not dissapoint you in our agreement" jimin said and thinking on how he will get anne's trust easily and for him to do well without breaking the agreement he and taehyung talked about two days ago....


Taehyung's POV

For a few days, i was confused by the thought that maybe anne is planning and she is already preparing for that, or maybe at any day or time, she will attack us or target one of my family, especially my husband, So i decided that maybe i need to do something or plan something so that i am aware of her action.

So i decided to call jimin hyung, his the one that i need for this plan...

" jimin hyung where are you?"

"I'm here with yoongi why?"

"Can you come here? I need to say something important"

" it looks like a serious one huh, but don't worry ill be there at 4"

" thanks hyung see you, and say hi for me to eunjin i miss her hehe"

" i will taehyungie see you, bye!"


It's already 3:39 and im here at my office waiting for jimin hyung, he said his at the lobby.

i feel uneasy, what if we lose? what if our plan didn't work? what if anne stole jungkook for me? what if anne hurt my family?, Negative thoughts is all in my head and i can't stop it

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