Chapter One

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Elijah stared at his family, he loved them and was devoted but...lately, he found himself, lacking almost.

He was a brother, an uncle and a father after a fashion though none of those he turned really cared to stick around. His sister Morgana preferred to take in strays and take the role of mother or sister, whereas he chose people for their intelligence, for being different to the rest of humanity. He always ensured he added to the vampire race, unlike Kol's rampaging where he turned anyone and everyone, indiscriminately.

but he had spent a thousand years trying to find love and failing but just as he was being pulled in by yet another doppelganger, he was saved by the wonderful Donna Noble. 

A fiery woman that would make him prove his worth whether he liked it or not and drag him kicking and screaming into some fun and Gods forbid- make him wear something, not a suit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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