✨Valentines Kiss✨

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{Moon P.O.V}
I help Sun get the kids ready to go with their parents and clean up their toys. Two little kids, whose names are Neo and Sierra, run up to me with 2 small boxes, the one a light scarlet red with a light pink colored ribbon, the other a deep Crimson with a white bow on top, "Mr.Moon! Mr.Moon! My twin brother and I got you and Mr.Sun gifts because Valentine's day is today!" Sierra hands me the boxes and runs off with her brother before I could say Thank you. I sigh, 'They both are very kind' I hear Sun closing the Daycare doors, I chuckle to myself and turn around to set the boxes on a table while Sun and I finish cleaning up.

*Time skip because I can*

Sun and I sit on our bed, staring at the boxes. "What do you think is inside of the box?" Sun questioned, looking up with great excitement. "I don't know" I respond, looking up at Sun then back down to the box. "Well, there's only one way to find out!" Sun started opening his box, I do the same. I heard Sun squeal with delight "Moony! Moony! They got me more glitter glue!!" Sun was a squealing mess. I just stare blankly at the item inside of the box, Sun noticed me staring blankly and looked over my shoulder as his eyes lit up upon seeing the item. "Moony you should put it on!" He squealed, looking at me in the eyes. "No no no no- I'm not wearing that!" I close the box and set it down on the shelf across from our bed.

(Just a picture of the layout of the bedroom, yes this was drawn by me)"Pleeease???" whined Sun, I sighed, "If I do, will you leave me alone?" He nodded vigorously while smiling

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(Just a picture of the layout of the bedroom, yes this was drawn by me)
"Pleeease???" whined Sun, I sighed, "If I do, will you leave me alone?" He nodded vigorously while smiling. I let out a small pout and grabbed the box, opened it, and grabbed the necklace out of it. After I put it on I ask Sun "You happy now?" "Very" He cooed as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. We stayed like that for a while until I pulled away. We both went to sit on the bed, "You look so cute Moony!" "Shut up" I pouted while Sunny giggled, "But it's true!" He flattered, grabbing me as he started to kiss my face. I screeched and tried to push him off as he did. After a little while, he stopped and smiled. I blushed "Dork" "Hey!" he said, pouting. I laughed, tears welling in the corners of my eyes. Sun tackled me and started tickling me as I bursted out with laughter, Sun soon joined in laughing.

I do miss him, why did he get replaced again? Oh, yeah. Because of me...
"Moon, it's Naptime!" I hurry and wipe the tears that formed in my eyes "Okay!" I yell back as I was about to jump into the ball pit.

Words: 502
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! I am kinda sad now because of this one shot 😔✌️

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