Long Shadows

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Chapter Four

Long Shadows

Adrian could admit he was grateful that Daniel decided to stay the night. As his best friend since they were children, Daniel used to stay over all the time. They even joked that he had his own bedroom. The enormous manor had enough spare rooms that Daniel was able to use one of the spare bedrooms to keep a change of clothes and a few personal items. As Blackthorn Manor was right on the edge of the huge city, it was sometimes closer and easier for Daniel to stay overnight then make the drive home.

That was the excuse he made anyway, truly the pyromancer was just wanted to stay close for Adrian's own mental health. Adrian appreciated it all the same. Daniel made a good audience the night before as he gasped and squawked and whooped.

'You're going to say yes, of course. Right? This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity,' Daniel had said. Adrian still didn't have an answer as he got up for breakfast the next day. Owethu was indifferent (as usual). It did sound like an amazing opportunity, but he still couldn't escape the feeling he was being set up somehow. Maybe he was just being ridiculously paranoid, but did his life really need this right now? He could only imagine the headlines if something happened to the Crown Jewels whilst technically in his care.

He could lose his practitioner licence. To start with.

His reputation was already in question because of Prince and Duchess. The tabloids always seemed to be anticipating his trip off the deep end. There were already some 'polite' not so subtle hints that he should be more closely monitored than he was.

'You doing okay?' Daniel asked. Adrian had been pushing the mess that was his eggs around his plate for the better part of five minutes. He hadn't even noticed that Prince had been carefully scooping bits of egg out onto the table every time Adrian's fork passed his little white paw.

'Just thinking,' Adrian admitted.

'That never ends well,' said Daniel jokingly.

'You really think I should take this contract?' Adrian sighed.

'Okay, please know that I say this only out of love for you dude, but you can't just stay hidden away in this house. You don't even like it here! You need something to do and more importantly, you need to get on with your life.' The words were like a slap to the face. Hurt and anger flared hot briefly, but as he met his friend's eyes, he tried to let those feelings go. He knew Daniel was right. He also knew Daniel was coming from a good place even if his delivery was blunt.

'I just didn't really expect to be starting with the literal Crown Jewels,' Adrian grumbled.

'Well, we've never done much by half measures,' Daniel pointed out. Adrian sighed and put down his fork, officially surrendering his breakfast to the two cats.

'I suppose it does further my career in a pretty big way,' Adrian mused.

'Hells yes, it does. Just... maybe get Addison to read over that contract before you sign it. That thing is ridiculous,' Daniel said, his nose scrunching.

'No kidding.' It was then as Adrian thought over the contract that the night before came to mind and the whispering... had it been whispering, or had he just been insanely tired? Whispering walls were not common even in the magical world. He shivered as the nasty thought rose to the surface... was he going mad like everyone said?

'So, what's the plan of attack today?' Daniel asked thickly through a mouthful of bacon.

'Urm, well I have an appointment with my therapist, Eliza, this morning. I was thinking of going to the gallery after. Still not sure if I'm going to hug Gale or slap her yet,' Adrian grumbled.

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