What's this feeling??

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Author's note: hello I just read the first chapter and noticed a lot of bad spelling errors and cringe I'm sorry anyway enjoy chapter two and

Readers POV (and y/n's)

You wake up and it's a beautiful sunny day you remember you have work so you get up and get ready. You get all the stuff you packed up last night and left. You were thinking about selling your tiny home but then again if you got fired of the bird rare or something happens and you couldn't stay in the apartment's anymore you would at least have somewhere to stay so you decided to not sell it.

Francoeur POV (and readers POV)

It was a beautiful sunny day! I'm so happy to see y/n today. Francoeur then looks for a good suite/outfit to look good for y/n.

"Francoeur! Come down look who is hereee!" Lucille said happily

I quickly went downstairs and saw y/n standing there with a beautiful d/c dress (BTW d/c means dress color idk if it's even a word)

"Hello francoeur" y/n's voice sounds like an angels voice so beautiful

"H-hi y/n"

"Well I'll leave you two alone you guys can get to know each other y/n you can just give the stage a little sweep and have a break." Lucille said while looking at me and walking away.

You y/n sweep the stage

"Well our work here is finished with our great teamwork!" She then gives me her cute smile

"Uh yea hey uhm y/n you d-don't remember anything about u and me meeting back then?" I then looked at the floor

What a dumb question


When she said that sentences well atleast I think it is I stopped looking at the floor.

"I remember... something it was a rainy day I found myself I think bumping into a so call monster but then my mother scared him away you kinda look like him"

My eyes widen she still remembers a little bit

"Ha- what am I saying properly is was just a dream" y/n said

"Oh ok" I said disappointed

"Hey so I heard that tomorrow your going to sing a song I can't wait to hear your voice " she gave me her cute smile again

"Uh yea actually I'm working on it right now"

"Oh can you song me half of it?"

I was scared of her hearing my voice mabye I would sound terrible but I wanted the song to be a surprise.

"Oh well its a sur- uhm" dang it I forgot the word how to say it she might think I'm stupid

"Oh it's a surprise I see it's ok"

I blush a little

" so Uh Y/n do y-you Uh want to.go get uhm m-ma-macarons?"

"Sure I'll love to"

She once again gives me her adorable smile. Before we where going to walk I gave her my arm for her to take.

"Thank you Francoeur"

"Your welcome "

Y/n POV (readers POV)

While me and Francoeur were walking a lot of people were staring at us and that kinda felt awkward but some how Francoeur didn't looked worried or shy or even awkward of people staring at us.
We make it to the Macaroon shop.

"Hello there what may I help yo-" the men stopped in shock

"What the f**k"

You and Francoeur were in shock

"E-excuse me please be n-nic *chip" nice"

Francoeur made one of his chipping sounds.

"I'm sorry it was terrible of me "

You didn't say anything and just looked down.

" young lady I'm also sorry here take free Macaroon's"

"Thank you and it's ok" I still had my head down.

Francoeur got your chin and made it go up then he lean in and whispered in mu ear.

"Smile I want to see that cute smile of yours" he didn't stuttered!!


Francoeur didn't stuttered I was happy because every time he said a long sentence he would stutter.

You and Francoeur were walking and sat at a bench at ate the Macaroon's there were some crums in your face then you see francoeur leaning over you and wiping of the crums. You blush.

"Uh thank you francoeur your so sweet" you smiled

"No problem we should get going now "

"Oh ok"

He once again offered you his arm and you took it.

"FRANCOEUR COME QUICKLY!!!" You hear Lucille voice when you opened the door.

*chip chip*

You let go of francoeur arm and he goes running upstairs. You were there you had nothing else to do so you decided to clean the tables.

*knock knock*

You opened the door and see your ex-boyfriend standing there.

"Well well who do we got here" he grind

"What are you doing here?"

" darling ever since we broke up I have been thinking about you"

You rolled your eyes

" please please take me back "


"I will be perfect for you"

"I said no."

" well I'll give you a last chance take me back or else"


you screamed so loud that the place at ecode



Jk the story ends here I'll make a new chapter right now but sorry for the cursing and all those stuff byeee.

Strange love (francoeur x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now