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Selina looked at the 'thing' that she just kicked and went to check.

But she still have to be vigilant  because she does not know where she is now.

And the voice that brought her in is also not seen here yet.

She looked at the 'thing' laying on the ground and proceeded to approach it.

She realized that it was not a 'thing' ,  but a little two or three years old looking  child.

He looked like a little porcelain doll just like a little glutinous rice ball , cute and soft.

The child opened his round eyes and stared at her and grievances were written clearly in those eyes.

Selina's heart became soft for a moment but when she remembered that she is in a strange place, she becomes vigilant again.

This carefulness  is developed by living in the apocalypse for almost one and a half year.

And its not quite bad.

She asked "Who are you?"

The little child answered, "Master I am little phoenix."

Selina looked at the little boy and said "So, you are the one who brought me here."

"But isn't phoenix a mighty and beautiful bird? So why are you a small child? And yeah why are you calling me master?"

 The little child answered in his milky doll while sullenly holding the corners of her hospital gown that she wore before coming here and have not yet changed "Master , please do not despise me." in an aggrieved manner.

"Moreover I can cultivate and get powerful and protect master. As i cultivate I will become beautiful too."

Selina listened patiently as little phoenix further explained "And I call you master because this Golden Space has recognized you as master and I am the guardian beast of this space and you are the destined on."

Selina asked suspiciously "But I never had any interaction with the space . So, how does it recognized me as its owner?"

The little phoenix answered, "When you got banged in that accident your blood got dripped on the jade you were wearing and it recognized you as the master . And now this is the space inside the jade."

Selina said, "Oh~ now i understood. And what do you mean I got banged? it was obviously me who saved that child."

The little phoenix nervously said "Yes master , you are the strongest."

Selina became proud by the flattery but soon talked about the topic, "So now I am the owner here . But why me because you said I am the destined one."

The little phoenix climbed onto the nearest rock to sit and said "Yeah before you many people tried to conquer it because as time goes by the space can become a powerful weapon but they were not you."

"The supreme god who was the owner of it, before ascending the upper realm dropped this jade onto this world so that the destined one could find it. Then your great-grandfather who was a farmer at that time picked it up and made this the heirloom of the Gold family ."

"After that, your grandfather build their family from scratch and the jade also came from a thatched hut to the giant manor and when you were born the jade was placed beside you and it glowed as the note said that was with the jade when it was found and then the jade glowed some words that read, 'When the child comes-of-age, the jade will recognize its owner.' appeared. Then the gold family made a locket of that jade and hung it on your neck so that the jade can protect you."

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