The Wolf Pack

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Two mysterious people in the underground began to have a conversation. Byleth, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, Hilda, Linhardt, and Ashe have no clue who they are. 

"Ugh...Yuri this is brutal. Tell me again why you're subjecting me to this devastating boredom," some man with black hair said. He had huge muscles, clear to tell he worked out a lot. 

"Enough with the yawning Balthus. If you're really that bored, we can always make a friendly wager..." The one called Yuri said. He had purple air, slight hot pink eyeshadow, and was clear that he was the leader. He was very shady and mysterious but seemed like a good person.

"Thanks, but no thanks pal. I'm low on funds as it is. Last thing I need is another debt I can't pay," the muscular man said. Yuri called him "Balthus" though. Two new people came in, both females. One with short blonde hair and the other with long pinkish-red hair.

"Right B. As if you can say no to that," The pink hair girl chided. She seemed pretty chill.

"Hahaha! How diverting that you should bicker for my amusement," the blonde one said. She seemed very narcissistic, "Imagine my overwhelming dread where I stuck here without such joyous entertainment."

"Count me out. I'll leave the talking to Yuri-Bird and Coco," the pink hair one stated. She seemed to give them all nicknames. Suddenly, a random rouge came in running fast.

"Hey, boss!"

"Back already huh? have you detected any movement from the surface?" Yuri asked. Yes, he was the leader of this underworld. 

"Well, uh, I looked for the cardinals meeting just like you said...the thing is, I was spotted by some weridos. They chased after me and everything," he reported. 

"Some weridos you say? So very helpful. They weren't knights, were they?" Yuri asked, getting frustrated slowly. 

"I dunno. There were only a few of them, but I bet they were armed to the teeth."

"With meager numbers like that, I doubt they attend to take on Abyss," Yuri said, and yes. This underground place is called Abyss. 

"They probably took you for some kind of villain. They'll lock you up if they catch ya," Balthus added, "Finally a little action! Let's find them first and throw some punches!"

"Hold Balthus! 'Tis ignorant itself to rush headfirst into trouble!" The blonde said, but Balthus already ran to battle. 

"You're exited to fight too. You've been waiting for a chance to try out your shiny new magic," The pink hair girl said. 

"Heh heh, surface laws don't apply down here. That gives us the freedom to have some fun with them," Yuri said mischievously, "They're probably not knights, but our new friends defiantly work for the church." Then, Yuri and the pink hair girl walked out, leaving the blonde alone.

"You have best not leave me behind!!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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