Dropping Your Sibling Off

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It was normal day like any other day but only this day your finally starting to work! And you thought "why not bring my little sibling to the place I worked in?" And that's what you did. 

As of today your gonna start working at The Pizza Plex! and of course u work as the janitor (no matter how much you have said to the higher up you can do mechanics it was no use ) 

" S/N!!!!!!!! Get down here! Are you ready???" You screamed calling your little siblings name.

"COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!" Your sibling screamed back at you as they run down the stares "I'm here" trying to catch they're breath yet somehow they look back up with a wide smile.

You and your sibling goes inside of your car, after around 20 minutes or so you arrived! It was huge but when  you get in it looks so much huger.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This place is SOOO HUGE!" you sibling said.

You just chuckled. You dropped your little Sibling (or what Sun calls them "morning stars") off at the Daycare, you didn't get the chance to tell the workers at the daycare that your sibling has a weak physique cause you were already running late.
Good thing all of your of you new fellow workers are also late so you weren't yelled at, instead it's them who got yelled at, after the one who was gonna "show you the mops" was complaining about how all of you are late and give all of you a Faz watch made for employees you all got a full tour of the place and BOY! was this place much more huge after learning almost every door.
You got sent off to clean near Bonnies Bowling Bawl as you were just abt to take a seat to take some rest you got a call from your Faz watch which frighten you a bit... just a bit.

"umm... hello?" you asked not fully aware on how to use the thing.

"Hi hello is this the guardian of S/N?" a women answered from the Faz Watch.

"Yes! it is is something wrong? is everything ok with my sibling???" You asked worried if anything bad happened to your sibling. 

"Yes everything is ok.. well now anyways, your sibling temperature rise a few minutes ago, Don't worry they're now fine.. they're just sleeping at the sleeping area... and we thought you might want to know about that and we would like to ask a few thing is that ok?" the women said.

"Yes ask away!!"

"Ok are you aware that your sibling from I see here is having a fever?"

"Sorta... they're not actually having a full fever they just have a weak stamina guess I forgot to tell you guys hu? hehe" 

"It's ok, tho we think you should check on them... they said your few times while sleeping" And with that you excuse yourself and go to the Daycare, when you were arrived you were greeted by a bunch of children running at you crazy!. 

"AHHH the "dragon" is trying to catch us!" said one the children who was hiding behind your leg.

"Heheheh you'll never catch us!" said another.

"Don't worry I'm here! I'll protect all of you!" said a little boy.

"RAWR!!! I'm coming for you!!! Hmm...?" Sun twisted his head looking at you as all the kids run away "Well hello they're new friend! You must be here to go pick one the Morning Stars! Well you can go to the desk right there Bye~ Gotta go and hunt those princess!" Sun left you without giving you a chances to say a word.

But you did as he said, you go to the desk and talked with one the person working at the desk then you were lead to the "Dream Land" or a simpler name for it sleeping area.  You were about to call out your siblings name but was immediately shushed by someone they pulled you outside where all the sleeping kids can't hear.

"Hello there! are you looking for someone?" The animatronic in front of you said.

"Yes actually ummm.... S/N? They said back at the desk that my sibling is here? I actually only want on check them if they're fine" you asked while trying not to make eye contact but when you looked at the figure in front of you once again but they are also trying to avoid eye contact... hmm... interesting  .

"Oh you must Y/N they said your name a few time after they fell asleep it was so adorable... oh right come on in be care full tho some of them moved so much" Moon said as he carefully waltz thru all the children's sleeping. It was beautiful (him waltzing btw lol). 

You looked at your sleeping sibling, they looked so peace full, you checked on they're temperature n they're fine! you walked outside of the sleeping area.

"So thanks for taking me to my sibling but I really need to go back to my work" you said feeling kinda sad that you can't stay a bit longer even just a bit more. You got out of the Daycare, after you got back at Bonnie's Bowling Bawl you immediately got called to the bottom where the merch shop was
You got down to the merch shop, over there you thought you saw a strange white figure but thought it was probably just another guest.

"What seems to be the problem- ooooo..... I see..." You saw what happened, aparently some kid threw all of they're drink on the floor but the kid is no where to be found, so all you need to do was mop the Faz soda. After you were done u chatted to your fellow employee.

"So what happened exactly? like the kid immediately disappear after... that's not something a kid would do" you said, and looked at you friend who looks like they saw ghost this whole time you decided to ignore it "and no ones looking for him??? what is this place shouldn't we be calling the cops? hey.. Hey! are you listening?" you finally realized that they haven't been paying any attention this whole time.

"Hmm!! yes what's wrong? Oh! yeah yeah mhm whatever you said" your friend said walking away.

"Hey.. are you ok? you look like you just saw a ghost?" concerned but sadly they just walk away without replying to you. what is happening? .

Finally after it was almost closing time you can go home at least that's what you thought. You go to go get your sibling from the daycare when, you got there there was a commotion your sibling ran towards you. 

"WEHHHHHHHHHHHHH My *hick* friend *hick* is *hick miss *hick* missing WEHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" your sibling whined, you were of course worried for your sibling new friend but you can only think of one thing... they're temperature is high no no no no  you thought as you hug your crying sibling while also feeling how hot is they're forehead on your chest. You looked around then you spot someone who looked like they're the nurse at the daycare, you walked to them asking if they have damp washcloth or fever pills they have it and hand it to you, you told your sibling to drink but they didn't want to which is something they never did, you were panicking until you feel hand on your shoulder you looked back to see Moon!. 

"let me try some thing..." with that you gave the pill to Moon he carried your sibling and said something you couldn't quite hear but your sibling then drink it (with water). You found it amazing how Moon can convince you sibling to drink the medicine. 

"Thanks... what happened?" you asked Moon while looking at the commotion and rubbing your siblings back so they calm down why is there two kid missing today?

"I don't actually know... the boy said he wanted to go to the bathroom but he never came back so when one the worker here checked and he wasn't any of the bathrooms and the parents is here to pick him up well...  now there's that, I'm sure we can find him!" Moon tried his best to sound optimistic but failed as he looked like he is hiding something but you didn't want to talk about it so you excuse yourself and went home. What a crazy first day. You tucked your sibling after that you cleaned yourself and lay down on your bed thinking what can tomorrow give you A new partner?, a pet?, or what who knows...

Yey! first chapter Done! hopefully i can publish the next chapter in a week so wish me luck!

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