chapter 2

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Yonnies POV
When i came back from the bathroom i seen ray eating icecream so i dedcied to just go sit down but before i could ray came running over to me

Ray:hey ur back
Yonnie:yep im back
Ray:soo...i never got ur name
Yonnie:its iyonna but u can call me yonnie
Ray:ok can i ask u a question
Ray:y did ur eyes change colors
Yonnie:w-well u-u-ummm (clears throat )i got to use the bathroom again *gets up*
Ray:u just came from the bathroom*grabs her hand*tell me plzz i dont judge tel--(gco)
Yonnie:*kisses him*
Ray*kisses back*

1 min later.

Ray:wait wat was we talking bout
Yonnie:lol,ray ill be back
Ray:ok ill be here
Yonnie:*gets up to find tonka*hey roc can i borrow my friend
Roc:yea,just hurry back*winked at tonka*
Tonka:ok wat chu want yonnie
Yonnie:i.....kissed ray
Tonka:*shocked*o thought u didnt like mb*smirks*
Yonnie:well...people change u know
Tonka:ok y did u kiss him
Yonnie:cuz hes cute.....o and cuz he kept asking about my eyes
Tonka:ooo yea we should tell them
Yonnie:yep if they ask about it wen we go home we will tell them and speaking of tht its time to go.
Tonka:aight leggo

The girls got in their cars and and the boys got in theirs and they all went back to the girls' place
Prince:wow nice house its almost as big as ours.
Ray:yonnie will u show me around
Yonnie:yea sure kia and tonka show roc and prince around
Kia/tonka:sure come on guys
Prince:*grabs kias hand*
Roc:*grabs tonkas hand* leggo
Ray:*grabs yonnies hand*
Yonnie:*smiles*c'mon ill show u the kitchen first .
Ray:wow ur guys' house is really big.
Yonnie:thanx well c'mon

After showing ray around

Ray:umm can we go back to the kitchen
Ray:i.....forgot were it was *lie*
Yonnie:ok *walks back to the kitchen*
Ray:thanx *looked her in the eyes* ur eyes r really pretty
Yonnie:thanx *blushes&eyes turn pink*(looks away)
Ray:y did u look away
Yonnie:no reason*eyes turn purple*(still looking down)
Ray:well dont i like looking at them
Yonnie:*looks back up*
Ray:*leans in and kisses her*
Yonnie:*kisses back*
Ray:*picks her up then sits her on the counter*(not breaking the kiss)
Yonnie:*pulls back*(giggles)

Ray was a really good kisser i hope i was one to probaly cuz if i wasnt y would he keep kissing me

Tonkas pov
Tonka:were u wanna go now
Roc:ur room
Tonka:ok *walks him to her room*
Roc:wow ur room is cool and big.
Roc:*sits on her bed* come sit next to me
Tonka:ok *sits next to roc but not tht close*
Roc:y u wanna sit so far apart *puts his arm around her waist and pulls her closer*
Tonka:*looks him im the eyes*
Roc:*looks into her eyes *ur eyes r beautiful
Tonka:*eyes turn pink then looks down*
Roc:*holds her chin back up*litsen i know ur eyes change colors and thts ok cuz ur beautiful inside and out i do wanna know y ur eyes change but if u dont wanna thts ok
Tonka:*kisses roc*
Roc:*kisses back*
Tonka:*pulls back *roc i like u, ur sweet and understanding and i really like tht u dont judge me
Roc:thts how i am y did u kiss me
Tonka:i just told u y roc, cuz ur sweet and understanding and u dont judge me
Roc:*laughs*o yea i knew dat
Tonka:sure u did

Princes POV
Man how do i make her mine maybe she dont know i like her and i have to show her tht a do like her i always c her eyes change colors but idc i think its cool and unique just like her

Prince:so do guys have a movie room
Kia:duhh wat kind of awesome like ours dosent
Prince:*laughs* yea watever lets go there
Kia:c'mon *takes him to the movie room*
Prince:*sits down*sit next to me
Kia:o.....k*sits down next to him*now wat
Prince:*puts her legs over his lap*
Kia:*eyes turn pink*
Prince:whoa,thts cool
Prince:*kisses her*
Kia:*kisses back*
Prince:*pulls back*srry
Kia:its ok
Prince:well lets go back into the living room the others r prolly their already

Yonnie:yall wanna watch a movie
Ray:naw lets play 7minuets in heaven

Ray:whos gonna get,the bottle
Yonnie:go get the bottle prince
Yonnie:half nigga get....dafuck up and get the bottle!!!
Prince:ok ok damn chill
Kia:whos first
Tonka:me *spins the bottle and it lands on prince*
Prince:*looks at kia* srry kia gotta play by the rules kia:*eyes turn red*its ok

>>closet with tonka&roc
Tonka:im not kissing on the lips
Prince:watever u know if i wasnt with kia u would be all over this *rubbing his body*
Tonka:yea watever
Prince:do think i can kiss good
Tonka:idk i aint never kiss u
Prince:*kisses her*
Tonka:*pulls away*
Prince:*smirks* now u can tell me
Tonka:ughh dont do tht how could u do this to kia
Prince:we aint even officail and i do like kia but were playin 7minuets of heaven
Tonka:yea i guess but dont ever do tht again
Prince:*smirks/winks* no promises
Ray:*busts in* TIMES UP
Tonka&prince:*walks out*
Kia:*looks at tonka and eyes turn red*

Tonkas POV
I think kias mad but she dont got a reason to be mad we was playin 7mins of heaven idc tho we aint even kiss well he kissed me but i didnt kiss back cuz im a good freakin sister she can be mad but at prince not me

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