5 - Glass Bridge

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A/N: It's almost over guyssss!

Yaoyorozu wakes up with tears. She dreamt of having a sleepover with her girlfriends. Then she woke up and remembered that Hagakure, Ashido, Asui, Uraraka and Jiro are all gone. It's just her now.

Yaoyorozu wishes she could go to sleep and never wake up.

"Alright guys! Dabi's joining us today, so come on guys!"

Todoroki looks over at Yaoyorozu. She's crying. He hates having to see her go on like this. Deku isn't doing much better either over the loss of Uraraka. Bakugo has been doin the best at pretending that none of this fazes him, not that anyone else is trying, but everyone saw how he looked when Kirishima fell to the bottom.

Yaoyorozu joins hands with Todoroki as they leave the room.


"This is the glass bridge," Dabi explains. "There are two glass panels to a row. One of each row is not sturdy and one is sturdy. If you jump on the right one you live, if you don't you'll be eliminated."

"Great. They just keep coming up with shit," Bakugo crosses his arms.

"It gets better and better doesn't it?" Yaoyorozu huffs.

"I'll say," Toga grins.

Todoroki jumps onto the first panel. He stands. Deku and Bakugo follow his lead, followed by Yaoyorozu. Deku jumps onto the next panel and everyone follows him. Yaoyorozu starts thinking that luck has gotten them this far and then she remembers Jiro's words.

She turns to Todoroki, taking his face in her hands and kissing him. He is startled at first but then he melts into her kiss, which last a couple seconds before they break away.

"What the-" Bakugo starts, then he shuts himself up and rolls his eyes. Deku can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy and pain for Uraraka's absence.

They get onto the next row, and then Yaoyorouzu leaps, lands on a panel...

And it shatters on impact.

"Momo!" Shoto's hands cup his mouth. He gets down on his knees and looks down, thinking he'll see her but he sees only darkness.

"FUCK!" Bakugo turns away just in time for a single tear to roll down his cheek but he gets rid of it fast.

Todoroki melts and crumbles into himself. He breaks down into tears latching his grip onto his own head. He chokes on his tears but lets them flow.

"Todoroki.exe has stopped working!" Toga screams from where she is. Todoroki ignores her. He can't hear anything in this moment. He thinks about Momo. He thinks about her as Deku leaps onto the next panel, surviving and Bakugo follows him.

Then he makes his decision.

He rises and turns to his remaining friends. He bows to them and looks up, saying, "I am very proud to have known the both of you."

Deku's eyes widen and Bakugo whips around.

Todoroki turns to the side and catapults himself off of the side of the bridge.

"Todoroki-san! Todoroki-san!" Deku shouts at the abyss of darkness below him. Deku cannot believe what he is seeing. He doesn't trust his eyes.

"That sure is a badass way to end it, Half-N-Half," Bakugo grins. He nods his head once in respect. 

"So long, Icy-Hot."


They are still on the glass bridge. They're almost at the end now. Bakugo jumps forward.

The glass shatters underneath his feet. 

"KACCHAN!" Deku screams. 

He looks forward and sees that Bakugo's fingers are latched onto the edge of the panel that came before this one. Deku pulls Bakugo up with all the strength he has left, which isn't easy since the panel they're on is so small.

Kacchan almost died, Deku thinks. His eyes are wide in terror. On the bright side, now they can jump to the right one.

They have one more row.

Deku jumps and lands on a faulty panel. He grips the edge of the floor as it shatters. He pulls himself up as Bakugo jumps onto the safe panel and final floor.

"Congratulations! You freaks did it!" Toga claps. Deku scowls at her and Bakugo hold his hands in the position where they'd normally light up but they don't, of course.


"Go to bed, guys! It's the last challenge tomorrow! No, it's the first!"

Deku slides into his bed, thinking about Iida, Uraraka and Todoroki. His friends. And now they're gone.

Bakugo's thinking of the friends he's lost, too. Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu. 

Now it's just me and Deku, he thinks.

A/N: THIS ONE WAS HEARTBREAKING! Yaoyorozu and Todoroki's deaths were the hardest to write. And "So Long, Icy-Hot." OMG!!

This one was short, and the next one might be, too. But it's the last one!!! :o

Hope you enjoy! Please leave a vote and comments. :)

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