When Your World is Washed Away - Chapter 2

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Hey guys,

IMPORTANT: to make this easier to write, whenever I write 'see' or 'saw' in italics (like this: see, saw) or words like that it means that Zack is not hallucinating and he is registering that he is looking at you.


Well, here it goes... :)


When Your World is Washed Away - Chapter 2

The door clicked open and light flooded the room.

"Lily?" John's voice asked.

I looked up to find him giving me an incredulous look, and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks when I figured out why. I was sitting in Zack's lap, and he had his arms around me, holding me close as he tried to drown my already soaked shirt.

"Hey John." I whispered, my voice cracking.

I rested my chin on Zack's shoulder and whispered into his ear,

"Zack, John's here to see you."

To my surprise, Zack looked up at John and saw him. I smiled in relief and John did to, but Zack was just plain confused.He wiped the tears off his face before shooting me a questioning look.

"Zack, this is John."

"Hey Zack" John greeted with a smile."

"He works here, do you mind if I leave you with him? I have to go to school. I promise I'll be back after." I said cautiously.

He gave me an understanding look and managed a nod before the ligh faded from his eyes wants again. John and I sighed simultaneously, but luckily, Zack wasn't moving, he was limp. I wonder what its like not to see? I slid out of his lap carefully as John settled in next to Zack. With a smile and a wave I closed the door behind me before sprinting out of the hospital.

Late again. I thought, but I rushed to the bus stop anyway, I could at least make it to second period. I bounced on the balls of my feet for at least 10 minutes before my bus finally came rolling up to the stop. I hopped on the bus, following routine, and slid into a seat.






I climbed out of the shower and threw on a tank top, hoodie, and jeans. that was pretty much all I ever wore. You've got to love my sense of style. I shoved a granola bar in my mouth and danced to Die Young by Ke$ha. Chew. Swallow.

After blow drying for hair while dancing for what seemed like forever, ugh, I hated drying my hair,it was finally perfectly dry. I combed my fingers through it, while applying mascara and looking for my wallet. Oh ya! Multi-tasking like a boss!

I finally finished getting ready so I slung my backpack over my shoulder and sprinted towards the bus station, slamming the door on the way out. When I reached the bus stop I pulled out my phone to check the time. 8:30am.

Great. Just great. I had rushed getting ready when I still had 30 minutes. There was no point in taking the bus now so I began the trudge to school.




Running across the street.

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