Kiss Me, Dork. (One-Shot)

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"Jaysun, you're supposed to be working on 'I love you, too!' Not THIS!" I know. I know. I just wanted to make a Late Valentine's Day special. Anyways, enjoy the shipping!

Nikki yawned as she walked through the halls of WCD. She dreaded going to school with her arch-enemy, Mackenzie.

Speaking of her, Mackenzie was applying what Nikki would say to be her 5,485,2665,39572,438568,9,673 layer of lip gloss. Really, it was only her 5th layer, but Nikki liked to exagerate.

Mackenzie looked at her self in the mirror she had in her locker and frowned. She applied yet ANOTHER layer of lip gloss.

Mackenzie: Perfect. Er, Maybe just 1 more layer.

Just then, Nikki made it to her locker. She yawned and leaned on her locker to try to keep herself from falling. Mackenzie noticied this.

Mackenzie: Erm, Nikki, Why are you so tired? N-Not that I care or anything.

Nikki just sighed. 

Nikki: None of your business.

Mackezie rolled her eyes. She was about to apply more lip gloss when...

Mackenzie: Woah!

She fell over, but to her surprise Nikki caught her before she hit the ground.

Nikki: You ok? 

Mackenzie: Well, yeah. But...I...

The two stared at each other. Mackenzie wrapped her arms around Nikki's neck.

Mackenzie: Nikki,

Nikki: Yeah?

The two just stared for the longest time.

Mackenzie: Kiss me, Dork.

And she did.

The End!

I love this ship. Anyways thanks for reading. Don't worry, Chapter 4 of I Love You, Too will be posted tomarrow. Bye!

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