Little Lost Bambi (Bambi's POV)

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"Get back here, you little brat!"

The little 12 year old girl ran as fast as she could through the burning rubble, holding onto her prize of a half-eaten apple so tightly in her grasp, she was nearly crushing it. She looked back at the giant spider demon she had stolen the fruit from, yelping when she saw he was gaining on her. She forced herself to run faster, but with her wobbly young deer legs, it was hard to do so.

Of all the things to be turned into when reaching Hell, why did it have to be a deer demon?

Her name was… well actually, she didn't have a name. She grew up on the streets, fending for herself. No friends. No family. No place to call home. Just a life under the bridge, being called Brat, Street-rat, and worst of all, Nameless.

She made her life on the streets by stealing from others and selling what she stole. When confronted, she had a trusty switchblade on her to defend herself. She was fearless. Well, until now at least.

Most would wonder why a child was in Hell, and despite the crimes she committed in her life, there was another reason.

She never believed in God. She was certain that if such a person existed, he would have saved her from her hardships. It seemed he didn't exist in Hell either, for she found herself still living on the streets and stealing from other demons.

Normally she would steal something more valuable. Something that she could sell in order to get the money to buy the apple in her hands. But, due to the most recent turf war, there was nothing left over that could be salvageable enough to even be considered anything worth more than a penny.

She was hungry and desperate, having been hiding out for nearly three days to avoid the turf war. Can't blame a child for trying to feed herself, but unfortunately, this was Hell. There was no such thing as forgiveness.

To make matters worse, even if the spider demon had been much smaller, she didn't have her switchblade on her anymore, seemingly left behind on her body back in the land of the living, so she couldn't defend herself. All she could do was run.

She looked back again to see how close the demon was when suddenly, she slammed into something… or rather, someone.

She fell back on the ground, dusting up her already messed up white dress. Tired, hurt, and out of breath, she quickly looked back to see if the spider was still chasing her, her little doe ears swiveling around.

"Oh my?" She heard a voice say. It was a male's voice. Charming, but oddly staticky, like a radio station heard back in the 1920s. And it came from right in front of her.

She looked up to see who had said that, and she silently gasped when she saw another demon… a deer demon.

He was very tall and very thin, with pale skin and sharp yellowed teeth. He had short red and black hair, two deer ears poking out just like hers. He had two small black antlers, which seemed to be growing a bit as a demonic aura surrounded him. The white of his eyes were instead red, with a brighter red for the iris of the eyes, his pupils as black as night.

He was wearing a bright red dress shirt with two black marks that crossed each other, underneath a pinstriped dark red coat along with burgundy dress pants, a bow tie with a bright red knot, and black shoes. He had an oval-shaped monocle over his right eye, the color in burgundy… or was it black, she couldn't really tell. He was also wearing burgundy gloves with bright red marks showing where his nails and knuckles were.

The deer demon was leaning over the child in a dramatic way, his left hand gripping tightly onto a cane with a vintage style microphone attached to it, grinning down at her in a very sinister manner, and chuckling cruelly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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