Chapter 27: Guilt

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"I can't believe how much homework Ms. Mendeleiev gave us," complained Adrien as he let his book bag drop on the floor near Marinette's desk, making a loud thump. "And on top of the presentation that's also due at the end of the week! It's going to take hours!" He shoved his hand through his hair in frustration. He'd had his whole schedule planned out but the huge amount of new homework was going to completely throw everything off.

"Glad it's you instead of me!" said Plagg as he lazily flew out of Adrien's shirt toward the cheese cabinet to get an after school snack.  He found he was in need of an energy boost.

"Thanks, Plagg," said Adrien sarcastically.

"Glad I could help!" said Plagg in between mouthfuls of one of his favorite Camemberts.

Tikki yawned and then flew out of Marinette's purse, hovering near Adrien's face. "You can do it, Adrien! A few changes to your schedule and you'll find the time to complete everything!"

Adrien smiled. "Thanks, Tikki. You always know just what to say. Why can't my kwami be so helpful?"

"Not everyone can be so lucky, Adrien," said Tikki. "Sorry!" She scanned the room, noting how unexpectedly quiet it was.

"I heard that!" said Plagg.

"I know you did!" called Tikki as she started to search the room for Tig, surprised that she and Duusu hadn't greeted them as soon as they arrived home.

Marinette set her bag down beside Adrien's and placed her purse on her desk. She then smiled at his mussed hair and reached up to smooth it back down, her hand lingering on his neck, before she took one of his hands in hers. "I know. You're right. It's a lot of homework," she agreed and she led him over to her chaise, sitting down and pulling him to sit next to her. "But, Tikki's right, too. We'll find the time. We used to have even more complicated schedules than we do now and we were able to get it all done. Well, most of the time anyway." She rested her head on his shoulder, enjoying a bit of time with Adrien before they would need to start on their homework. She felt Adrien put his arm around her shoulder and she leaned into him, closing her eyes.

A few minutes later a worried Tikki poked Marinette in the arm. "Marinette, I can't find Tig or Duusu!" she said.

Marinette opened her eyes to two very anxious-looking kwami parents. "They must be here somewhere. Now that Duusu has a phone, they would have called us if there were any problems. Maybe they just fell asleep wherever they were playing. We'll help you look," said Marinette, standing up. "Why don't Adrien and I check around here and you check the places we can't reach. And maybe the rooftop," she said. She and Adrien then started softly calling Duusu's and Tig's names and checking around the main level of the bedroom while Plagg and Tikki started to check the higher up places, like the top of the armoire and up in Marinette's bed.

"Anything?" called Plagg after he checked inside every corner of the armoire.

"No," replied Tikki from up in Marinette's bed. "Wait! I hear something!" she said and she followed a light snoring sound to Duusu who was sleeping behind Marinette's stuffed cat. "Duusu!" said Tikki as she gently shook the other kwami. "Where's Tig?"

Duusu opened his eyes to the concerned expressions of Plagg and Tikki. "What's going on?" he said.

"Where's Tig?" repeated Tikki.

"She's right—" said Duusu as he pointed to a spot next to him where there were a few of those jewel-like beads Marinette used to decorate things she made, but then he stopped when it was obvious Tig wasn't there. "I don't know. We were playing a game about discovering a land of giant, wild cats and we pretended we were camping here and I must have fallen asleep. I'm not sure."

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