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"Honey are you okay?"

James is shaking me awake, I can hear my breath rattling and my heart feels like it is coming out of my chest.

"Yea, yea...It was just a dream" I said shakily, trying to calm down. That was the worst nightmare I've had.

"Sorry I woke you up, you can go back to sleep now James."

No response...


Suddenly I realized I couldn't see anything, when did the room get so dark. I mean I know it is night time but usually there are some traces of light streaming through the blinds from the street. Then it hits me how cold it is, there is another presence in the room but it sure isn't James.

"Who's James??" The response gives me chills, suddenly I can't breathe. That was the one from my nightmare. Sharp and raggedy while the rest of the room is dead silent. I can't move, frozen in place from terror. I wish I was right before about not being able to see anything. There is a shape at the foot of my bed, it looks human but I know deep inside it really isn't.

"please" I whisper.

The shape cackles back "please what?"

I can't respond. My mouth is like the Sahara Desert, my body made of lead. Oh god, what do I do?

Suddenly the shape disappears, the cackle still in the air. I blink, still too terrified to move. This isn't the first time, last spring was the first time the shape came to me. It only appeared three times; it had never spoken before.

Slowly I can see the light filter through the blinds and my whole body relaxes. I can feel James stir beside me, it's been hours since the shape disappeared.

"I can't believe this." My hoarse whisper sounds like a shout in the silent room, I roll so my back is to my husband. His arms slowly wrap around my waist and I relax completely. What is that thing and why does it come to me only during spring? I have so many questions flying through my head but that is the one that stands out the most.

"Honey, are you ok?" I can tell James is worried. I'd been zoning out during breakfast, but I can't bring myself to tell him about this, not after last year. Our marriage has been rocky these last couple of years and after this creature, this thing, visited me last year I went to therapy. I told him about it and he thought I was going crazy. It took a long time and a lot of medication before he trusted I wasn't losing my mind. I will not jeopardize us because of this, no matter how terrifying.

"Honey?" His voice brings me back. I can see the look on his face, it screams are you losing it again?

"Sorry, lots on my mind. What were you saying?" I try to play it off. It works.

"I was saying I'm going out with the guys tonight. Will probably be back really late." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. I nod and this satisfies him enough to go out the door to work. Seems like he goes out with the guys a lot these past months.

"He's not coming baaack" I stiffen, it's THAT voice. The creature. God, it came from right behind me, I can't breathe. A cold chill goes up my spine as I whip around. Nothing, the kitchen looks normal. Am I really losing my mind? 

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