Baking Buds

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Oh noooo -Liz

"Okay, so I brought..." Ali dumped a large duffel bag on the table, which was accompanied by cracking and fizzing. She clambered onto the counter and pulled out the ingredients, "Eggs...which are all broken...oh no. Um...we have the fizzy baking soda!"

"Where on earth did you find these?" Cho asked as she readied several bowls. Ali shrugged,

"Markos was asleep so I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed supplies. I also drugged him and dragged him over so he can be our lookout."

From outside, balancing precariously on a rock at the edge of the mountainface was a sunchair which held a sleeping Markos. The chair was chained to one of Ali's many party cannons which in turn was chained to the house's back door. It was a wonder how the strong winds hadn't pushed him off the mountain yet.

"Anyhoo," Ali continued as she tugged out a large cake box, "I headed to Beep's Bakery downtown and picked up a cake so we could replicate it."

The rickroller tugged out an empty to-go box from Chen's Noodle House, "And this?"

Elfi shrugged, "Spicy noodles. I got hungry."

"Of course you did."

"I also brought..." from the duffel bag, the elf pulled out yet another duffel bag, "more ingredients! We got flour, butter, sugar, milk, baking powder, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, Madagascan vanilla extract, Mexican vanilla extract, pure vanilla extract, vanilla beans if all goes wrong, peppermint extract, spearmint extract...and a bunch of other stuff I thought may come useful."

"Yes because...a bunny would most certainly be useful to bake a cake."

Ali huffed and snatched the furry creature back, setting him on the floor, "Hey! Baking can be stressful! And plus, Mr Long Ears won't cause trouble- oh and he's made a run for the carrots."

Fun fact: Bunnies don't actually eat carrots in the wild


"Moving on, let's begin!

Ripping open the bag of flour, Ali dumped the entirety of its contents into the large mixing bowl, as Cho tipped in a block of freshly churned butter.

"Next is...sugar!" Ali read from her phone, as Cho used the sugar cubes meant for tea, dropping in five small cubes, "Five cubes of sugar for a five-star cake! Is that everything?"

"Almost..." Ali tossed in a handful of baking soda, before cracking in an entire jumbo-sized box of eggs, along with a heaped scoop of mayonnaise, "I read that mayo helps with a cake's moisture."

"Perfect." Cho rubbed her hands together, "Eliza took the electic whisk for her baker's convention, so whaddya got in that bag of yours?"

"I'm glad you asked!" The elf proceeded to pull out a large contraption held together by packing tape and craft glue, "This hamster wheel is connected to a load of tubes which is connected to this whisk!" She set up the equipment, and brought out a furry little creature, "This is Rodrigo, a further relative to the Olivia Rodrigo, and he will be running the wheel." Setting the rat down on the wheel, it started sprinting, and the whisk started folding in the ingredients, mixing well.

"Now we add in the flavouring. But the question is...which bottle?"

Cho examined each vanilla extract and each sachet of flavoring, "What's the hot sauce for?"

"Because your life will sizzle!" Ali sang, pouring in the entire bottle. She proceeded to take each bottle of vanilla extract, pouring it all in slowly, "Did you prepare the oven?"

"Yup. 698 Farenheit, right?"

"No! 698 Celcius!"

"Gotcha." She upped the scale, and readied the tins, noticing Mr Long Ears devouring through Ana's cabbage patch outside. The bunny'd left a pile of carrot leaves, and the brunette scooped them up, swiftly cutting it up into little pieces, "Let's use these leaves for some colour."


but basically they end up blowing the monastery up and killing everyone inside- jkjk but here's a little snippet-

"What the..." Markos slowly started to wake up, rubbing his eyes as he glanced around. Though he loved the view of the entirety of the city, he was a little- scratch that, he was very confused as to why he wasn't in his bed and instead was slumped against a beach chair suspended to a large cannon via chain close to tipping off a large mountain.

"Who would- why am I even asking? ALI YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD, YA HEAR ME? OH JUST WAIT TILL I-" He stopped as he felt the world shift sideways.

This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.

Aaaand it's up to you if he dies or miracoulously surives. goodnight *vanishes with a poof*


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