The happy hotel

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(A/n it's been a couple Years and this part is when you go to the hotel)

Me and alastor were walking down the street, I saw a candy store "hey dad" alastor looked down at me with his usual smile "can I please go into the candy store" "of course my dear" "thank you!" I skipped in and looked through the store I grabbed a bag and put some gum balls in, I then put a bunch of (f/c) in
10 min later
I skipped out blowing a bubble, I saw alastor watching the TV, strange? I walked up next him "hey dad what's happening?" I looked at the TV and saw the princess of hell talking about some hotel, she then snapped her fingers and she then started to sing and dance, me and alastor turned our heads at the same time

Everyone started to laugh I didn't get why, I mean yeah the idea is stupid and it would probably never work, but, still, it would also make GREAT entertainment, you know watch people try to get better and repeatedly fail, alastor looked at me we both definitely were thinking the same thing "we're gonna go to that hotel for entertainment aren't we" "of course we are my dear"
At the hotel
Alastor knocked at the door the princess of hell opened the door "he-" she then shut the door, she then opened it again "llo" and the door shut again, I could hear a muffled "hey vaggie the radio and glitch demon are at the door" the door then opened again "may I speak now?" "you may-" "alastor pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart, quite a pleasure" alastor walked in and I shook her hand "hi I'm y/n" I walked up to alastor "excuse our sudden visit but we saw your fiasco on the picture show! And we just couldn't resist what a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stark market crash of 1929, hahaha so many orphans" he then got a sper shoved in his face,"STOP RIGHT THERE! (Idk what she said) I know your game, and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You, pompous cheesy talk show shitlord! And even kidnapping a child and making them do your dirty work! Sweety if your not ok you can tell me!" she said looking at me with the sper still in alastor face,"uh, no I'm fine" "dear if I wanted to hurt anyone here I would have done so already" he said while raido static came, anyway we're here because we want to help" "say what now?" "help is this thing on, testing testing, well I heard you loud and clear" "you want to help with what?" I teleported behind them "this hotel of course, we wanna help you run it!" I walked up to alastor "help? Why?" "hehe why dose anyone do anything? Cher absolute bordem! We've laked inspiration for year's, are work together has been lacking focus, aimless! We've came to crave a new form of entertainment! Hahaha"."dose getting in a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?"."ha! The best kind my dear!"
Time skip to when alastor is bringing husk and nifty I'm lazy
A little thing fell out of the chimney, alastor picked it up, all the soot flew off to reveal that alastor had nifty, my best friend! "Hi I'm nifty it's nice to meet you it's been a while since i made new friends, heh why are you all woman? GOT ANY MEN HERE!? I'm sorry that's rude, ooooh man this place is filthy it really needs a lady's touch which is weird because your all lady's no offense" I giggled at nifty running around the entire place cleaning up, I heard some static and husk appeared,"HA! Read em and weep boys full-whoaaa, the hell what the fuck is this? You two!"."ah husker my good friend! Glad you could make it!"."don't you husker me you son of a bitch I was about to win the whole danm pot!""it's good to see you too husk!" I said hopping on top of a chair, "what the hell do you want from me this time" "my friend we are doing some charity work so I took it apon myself to volunteer your services, I hope that's ok" "are you shitin me!?" "hm no I don't think so" I laughed "you thought it would be some kind of big fuckin riot just to pull me out of no where!? You think I'm some kind of fuckin clown!?" "maybe" I said "I anint doin no fuckin charity job" "well I think you'll be the perfect face of man to front desk this fine establishment, with your charming smile and welcomeing energy this job was made for you, don't worry my friend I can make it more welcomeing if you wish" alastor said while making a bottle of cheep booze aper behind him, "what you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheep booze, well you can" he grabbed the bottle and walked away drinking it, the spider went and flirted with husk and charlie tried to become friends with husk, me and alastor walked up to her."so what do you think?" I said, "this is amazing!!!" "it's ok..." "This is going to be very entertaining!" I heard some music and my outfit turned into something else

" "This is going to be very entertaining!" I heard some music and my outfit turned into something else

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(This or)

(This outfit)

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(This outfit)

Me and alastor sang until a huge explosion boomed through the hotel, a snack demon popped out of a blimp looking thing "HA, well well well, look who is harbouring the strymon freak, we meet yet again alastor and y/n" "do we know you?" me and alastor said at the same time, "oh yes you do! And this time I have the element of surprise! HAHAHAHA!!! IM SO EVIL!!!" me and alastor snapped our fingers and tentacles came out of the ground and it started glitching, the tentacles pulled him then it exploded, "well I'm started! Who wants some jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya, in fact you could say the kick was right out of hell, HA! I'm on a roll! Yes sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now stay tuned"

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