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THE TREACHEROUS SOUND of your phone's alarm blared off the four walls of your humble room, drawing a groan of annoyance from your lips

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THE TREACHEROUS SOUND of your phone's alarm blared off the four walls of your humble room, drawing a groan of annoyance from your lips. blindly, you felt around the bed for the screen, thumbing it until you hit the snooze button. "fuckin' hell."

last night proved to be yet another active one, hanging in the underbelly of the pub just around the corner. dad had you signed up for four matches, the final one dragging out all the way until three in the goddamn morning. while majority of your tired being wanted to say fuck it and ditch classes today in favor of sleep, you knew if your father found out you skipped on school, he'd have your ass for it.

you cursed under your breath as you made quick work of pulling the uniformed skirt up onto your hips. you cringe, observing yourself in the cracked, full length mirror that was propped up against the wall. the female yuuei uniforms were something you despised with your entire being. everything, from the impractical, short skirt to the tight socks that always tended to slip down the fat of your thighs throughout the day, to even the stupid, cherry tie you could never seem to knot right... it was all fucking annoying. if the choice was yours, you much rather roll up to first period in the comfort of your sweatpants and tee-shirts. but we don't all get what we want, something your dad has told you numerous times.

snatching your black, tattered book bag off your bed, you left your bedroom and stumbled out into the living room. "later, dad—" your words died on your tongue when you notice him, passed out in comatose, sunken back into his usual recliner. bottles of amber liquor crowd around him, some empty, some half-filled. "what a fucking joke," you mutter in bitter amusement, shaking your head before walking out of your front door.

the ride down the elevator was quick, and soon enough, you were trudging out of your apartment complex. his voice fills your ears before you even see him. "oi, 'bout fucking time. been waiting ten goddamn minutes for your slow ass."

he's here again, like clockwork. "nobody told you to wait for my 'slow ass,' bakugou." you click your tongue, tilting your head. "yet here you are, waiting for me like a lost puppy. want a treat?"

"die, bastard," bakugou hisses, elbowing you roughly in the shoulder. though, he doesn't acknowledge the situation further. it was an unspoken routine between the two of you, him showing up to walk with you to school. has been since the second week of school.

you remember meeting the rambunctious blonde like it was yesterday. he had sat in your assigned seat in the first day of school, and you being you, decided to confront him in a less-than-nice way.

"yo," you greeted coldly, stepping up to stand over the boy who sat back in your seat, his feet tossed up atop the desk, leisurely crossed at the ankle. "you blind or just stupid?"

crimson eyes sharpened, narrowing up at you with heaping malice. "fuck you just ask me?"

you sigh, nodding to the front of the room, where the assigned seating chart was posted on the chalkboard. "this is my seat."

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