My sleeping beauty (Phan fiction/oneshots)

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"Dan? Hey. Are you ready to start this video?" I asked. He looked upset. "Are you okay babe?" I ask. "Yeah I... I'm just a little tired." "Oh, okay. Well lets get started."

*later that night*

"Phil I'm so tired of this! We are always fighting! My mom just died and you know I'm going through a hard time! Maybe... We just need a break." I say as I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I know that this might be the best for us. "Okay Dan. But dont ever forget, I love you."

Dan was right. We did fight a lot. But I love him so much. He's my everything. I can't lose him. Hopefully this is just temporary. As I lay on my bed crying, I wonder what dan is doing. I wonder if its east for him to be without me. To just let me walk out. Its not easy at all for me. I wonder...


Is he really gone? I think to myself. How could I just sit there and watch him walk away? I need to get this straight. I'm gonna call. *no answer* "Great. He's ignoring me now." I think out loud. My whole life left with him. Its not worth it anymore.


Dan tried to call. I saw it. I was too busy crying, and I guess I didn't hear it. I tried calling back but he wont answer. Maybe I should go to his house and apologize. We have been friends for years, and it took so long for me to become more than that to him. I love him so much. I cant lose him...


I lay down in crying. What had just happened? We broke up. Its over. But, but it cant be. Not now, I love him so much, I cant lose him. I bet he hates me, he probably never wants to see me ir speak to me again. But I need him, I need him! Why did this have to happen? I love him so much. Im his danny and he's my phil. I need him. I need him. I need him. I cried myself to sleep with the words echoing in my head. I need him. I need him. I need him. I love him... If I cant live with him, I wont live without him.


Im almost at his house now. The tears are hot on my face. What will I say? I don't know. He just needs to know I care. I knock on the door. No answer. Is he still mad? "Hello? Dan? Open the door, we need to talk. I'm not handling this break so well." still no answer. Im kinda worried so I walk in. And see dan laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. I try to scream, but only a cry can escape my dry throat. I kneel down and hold him in my arms. I love feeling his warmth. I have to do something. I have to take him to the hospital.


I can feel myself slowly drifting off from everything I left behind me in the world. I know I'm not dead but its coming soon. I can feel it. The part of my life that phil didnt take is shrinking little by little. As my world turns darker I hear a voice. Its fimmiliar. Its phil. But am I dreaming? Is this just a thought? No. I feel his hands on my face. I gain back the will to live. I know he cares. I just wasnt ready to be away from him! Why did i suggest a break? This would have never happened. Im not strong enough to live. I let myself drift into the darkness of death. And i know im gone.


The doctor said he wont make it. But I hold on to those occasional beeps for dear life. I know theses not much hope. But he's my life and i wont let him go without a fight. His monitor goes flat. No more beeps. Without realizing it I scream. I cant let him go. I lean down and kiss him. One last time. He opens his eyes. I see his beautiful blue eyes! "Oh my god! Why would you scare me like that?! I love you please never ever do that to me!"


I open my eyes. And phil is right there like he always has been. Holding me in his arms and kissing me. He tells me not to ever do this again. "Phil. I just kinda died. A simple 'im glad you didnt die' would be nice." He looks so perfect. His face is wet with tears. I wipe them away and give him a kiss. It was perfect.


It feels amazing to have his lips against mine again. "You'll always be my sleeping beauty Daniel." I tell him.

My sleeping beauty (Phan fiction/oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now