Daughter of Springtrap 8

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🩸Chapter 8🩸
Mike had finally won the custody battle as he has all legal rights to me.  Edward hasn't stopped bugging me which isn't helping hos case. I haven't had the nightmare about death again thankfully. I was heading inside the pizzeria as I decided to walk there. It wasn't a long walk either. "Go inside & don't make a sound." A deep male voice said. I went inside as he followed behind me. "Is there an office?" The guy asked. "I think so." I said pretending to be scared. I took a longer route as I 'accidentally' tripped banging the door dad was behind. "Get up & move!" The guy yelled at me. "Ok sorry. Its dark in here." I told him as we made it to the office. "Sit & don't move." The guy said pointing to the chair with the gun. I sat down seeing Puppet. He nodded knowing to wake Dad. "Hello Mike. I have something or someone really that I believe to be your sister. You have 5 minutes to get to your pizzeria." The guy said hanging up the phone. "So what your name?" The guy asked getting a bit weird. "Roxy." I lied to him. "Nice name. I'm Sam." Sam said. "How do you know my brother?" I asked him. "Oh well its a long story but the short is he owes me." Sam said. "Heller?!" Mike yelled. "Heller? You said it was Roxy!" Sam yelled at me. I growled at him. He punched me as my head hit the desk before I fell. "Heller! You're dead Sam!" Mike yelled. "Oh am I?" Sam asked pointing the gun at me. Mike smirked behind Sam. "You have a choice Sam. Drop the gun or Springtrap will kill you." Mike told him. "Who the fuck is Springtrap?" Sam asked. "He's Heller's father & your demise." Mike said crossing his arms. I groaned holding my head as I sat up. "Heller go somewhere now!" Mike yelled. I teleported as Springtrap went to kill Sam. I looked around seeing gates ahead. I held my head walking to the gate as I passed out.

I woke up looking around. I was in  bedroom of some kind. I sat up as I felt my head was healed. I went to the window seeing I was in a village. After a few minutes I realized I had somehow teleported inside of Naruto. "Puppet." I whispered. After a few seconds nothing happened. I closed the curtains & shifted into my wolf form. A girl screamed running out as I shifted back. I sat on the bed feeling truly alone. My last hope would be to reach them in my dreams. I saw black ninja sandals as I looked up seeing Gaara. "Who are you?" Gaara asked. "Alone. I will tell you what you want to know." I told him emotionless. "Everyone out. Go to lunch." Gaara ordered. They all did as told as Gaara stood across from me. "What's your name?" Gaara asked. "Heller Grave Afton." I told him. "What vill-" I cut him off. "I'm not from here. I came from a different universe, Gaara. See where I come from, you & the others are popular. Thats how I know your name. But how I got here, well thats a story in itself. Short is, I was being held at gun point. Dad was ready to kill the asshole as my brother Mike told me to teleport. So I somehow ended up in your world." I told him. "Mesa said she saw a wolf." Gaara said. I stood up & shifted forms. This again is a different story." I said walking around the room. I shifted back to my human form. "I've lost contact with my family." I told him sitting against the wall. "Everything's falling apart." I told him not looking at him. "I smell blood on you." Gaara said sitting in front of me. "Well from one killer to another, I'm just like my dad. He's a killer & he turned me into one. But we mostly kill in our animatronic forms." I told him. "I will talk to the higher ups & get back to you. For now why not go outside for a bit." Gaara said standing up. "Why are you being nice to me?" I asked him standing up. "I've been where you are." Gaara said as I went outside & roamed. I found an abandoned park & sat on the swing as I enjoyed the wind in my hair. I had a flashback of when I was little:

11 year old me was in a park with my dad when he was human. He was pushing me on the swing as I was laughing. It changed to when he was chasing me around the park with me laughing & screaming.

I came back not realizing I was crying. "Good old days." I sighed wiping my eyes. "You know its ok to cry right?" A male said. I looked up to see Naruto with 2 others. "Not in my life." I told him as my voice went emotionless & cold. "Naruto this is Heller. Shes just like I was when I was younger." Gaara said. "Why were you crying?" Sakura asked. "Memories." I told her. "Heller you have a job at the jail house. You get to execute prisoners." Gaara said. "Good. When do I start?" I asked smirking. "One is scheduled for right now. They want to see.." Gaara said. "I get it. Lets go! I'm eager to spill blood." I told him as I followed Gaara. The other 3 behind me. I met the high ups & they led me to a stone room. Soon after a guy was shoved inside with me. "Oh my lucky day." The guy said. I shifted forms growling. "No mortal. My lucky day." I told him as he screamed in terror. I messed with him a bit enjoying the chase. I caught him & he screamed as I slowly opened my head showing my skull. He screamed even louder as I had my jaws bite down into his skull as his skull was crushed & blood splashed on the wall & floor. I faced the door as it opened showing terrified ninjas except for Gaara. I opened my jaws as the body dropped. I stepped on his chest as his ribs & spinel snapped. I shifted forms as I giggled. "Never gets old!" I said giggling. "Say it & I will haunt your dreams." I told one of the jail guards. He put his hands up in surrender. "Smart choice." I said smiling. Gaara gave me money for my work. "So I guess I should explain the skull thing huh?" I asked them as we walked out. I heard one the inmates & saw him grab at Sakura. I shifted forms grabbing the guy's hand as he screamed. "Don't make me kill you. Next time you wanna have grabby hands, I will bite it off. Got it?" I asked the guy. "Yes! Im sorry!" The guy yelled. I stayed in my wolf form as we got closer to the exit. Once we were at the door I shifted human. "Let's go eat." Naruto said.  So we went to a restaurant & got a private room. "So basically I was abused by my birth parents. I was friends with Mike Afton. He took care of me when I somehow managed to walk 2 blocks to his house. Him & his dad William Afton kidnapped me. Once I was healed & healthy & the case closed on my disappearance, he adopted me. We killed my birth parents. Then after that we just killed together since I was 10. But one day my dad vanished. I was 16. Puppet told me where he was.  He died a brutal death. The ghosts of the kids he killed where haunting him. He put the SpringBonnie suit on. He triggered the springlocks, & well he bled out screaming. When I went there, there was blood everywhere. The wall & floor. I dated a guy named Edward Cullen. He took me in when I was 16. Well he cheated me with Bella Swan. So I killed her & her friend Jessica. It was 2033 then. I was missing for 35 years. Ha but being stuck in a building will do that. Time doesn't exist. Anyway, dad built a suit for me. The wolf you saw. I was angry at Edward so decided to join my dad. We both enjoy killing so why not? Its not like we can walk in public as human soul possessed animatronics with corpses inside that reek of death. I put the suit on & the pain, it was unbearable. I felt the springlocks go into my skull my lungs & other areas. I died bleeding out while screaming. I know how my dad felt dying in a suit. I died but came back. Now my corpse is trapped inside the suit as is my soul. We both always feel pain 24/7 but we got use to it. Some time passed & I was starting to miss Edward. Dad gave me a gift with Puppet. I was the only one that could shift human & animatronic at will. Plus be immortal at 16 forever. It had been so long that I forgot what my human self looked like. So dad & I would kill night guards in our animatronic forms. Up until I came here." I explained as our food came. We ate in silence as they took in what i told them. "So you can't die?" Sasuke asked. "No Sasuke I can't. To be honest I don't want to. I'm a literal nightmare to humans as is my dad." I told him as I took my phone out. "What is that?" Naruto asked. "A cell phone. Its like a portable phone you can take anywhere." I told them as I looked through my photos. I stopped as I saw picture of dad & I when he was human. "Is that your dad?" Gaara asked. "Yea. When he was human." I told him. I kept looking as I looked at a photo of dad & I in our animatronic forms with our head up & skulls showing. Others in our forms with blood in the background.  Some with me in human form & dad  as Springtrap. "Gaara where will I be staying?" I asked him. "My mansion. I have an empty room you can have." Gaara said as we left the restaurant. Naruto & his team went to the hotel  as I followed Gaara. I stopped walking as I sensed someone around. "We are being followed." I told him. "Behind you." Gaara said. I saw a guy as I chased him with Gaara behind me. I shifted forms as I grabbed him while he screamed. "Silence!" I yelled growling. "Sendo. Broke out again?" Gaara asked crossing his arms as ambu ops came over. "Guys take Sendo to the prison. Heller gets to kill him tomorrow at noon." Gaara said. I dropped him as I had my foot on his chest. "Escape before then & I will kill you where I find you." I told him snapping my jaws close to his face before backing up shifting human. I smirked at the guys fear as I turned & followed Gaara. "You're a monster!" Sendo yelled. "I know. See you tonight Sendo!" I said laughing darkly before walking off. We got to my new room. I laid in bed tired.

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