A Compilation of Nightmares

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Beware: Might be too emotional and dramatic.

Chase in his house that dark, night, after the basketball competition.

**In the dream***

Chase: Skye why do you luggage bags?

Skye: I have to go to another country, bye Chase.

Skye goes in the car.

Chase: Wait, Skye!!! WAIT!!!!!!!!!!


Chase: Please no!


Chase: Where am I?

Chase hears a scream with voice so familiar.

Chase: SKYE! 

Chase sees a blood stain on the floor.

Chase: SKYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chase: Urgh!


Skye: Help!!!

Chase sees some big men getting a hold of Skye.

Chase: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***Dream ends***

Chase sat up from his bed, hyper-ventilating. 

Chase: Oh my goodness, It's just a dream.

In Skye's house...

Skye: No please!!!

***In more of these nightmares***

Chase pushes Skye and she tumbles on the ground.

Chase: RUN SKYE!!!

Skye sees black tentacles taking Chase.

Chase: RUUN!!!

Skye: But I don't want to leave you!!!

Chase: Go!!!

Skye runs but the tentacles reach her before she could run.


Skye: Help!!!


Chase: Skye, I don't even like you!

Skye: I really love you, Chase.

Chase: No! (pushes Skye) Get Away!

Skye cries.

***End of nightmare***

Skye: (gasp) I-It's j-j-just a d-dream. (starts sobbing) What if he doesn't like me back?

Sorry for the short chapter. I can't just keep on writing nightmares, I don't want them to suffer of course.

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