I'm yours

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“How does it taste?” Yoo Jonghyuk looked over at Kim Dokja, who was eating a small piece of pancake with his mouth swelling up.

Yoo Jonghyuk’s patience dwindled as time went on. For the past five minutes, he’s been staring at it. He did, in fact, keep track of each and every one of those ticks on his watch.

Kim Dokja’s voice cracked slightly as he said, “Okay enough, I must say.”

You just have bad taste.” Yoo Joonghyuk huffed and rolled his eyes in frustration, causing Kim Dokja to chuckle lightly.

“So, Mr. Yoo Jonghyuk, my husband is that bad taste?”

“I’m referring to your eating preferences.”

“I need to inform Sooyoung about my lovely boyfriend defending himself when he obviously called himself a jerk.” Yoo Jonghyuk, who appeared to be in a bad mood, received a wink from Kim Dokja. The notion of Han Sooyoung mocking him about it made Yoo Jonghyuk wince.

“Do not even think about it, you fool.” Yoo Jonghyuk made a threatening remark in this regard.

Kim Dokja wrapped his arms around himself and let out a loud gasp.”Your threats have crushed my heart, Jonghyuk-ah.”

“Can we please simply enjoy this picnic date without bickering for a change?” Yoo Joonghyuk exhaled a sigh. He was plainly worn out and in need of a refreshing drink to help him cool down his rage and exhaustion. Definitely.

As the wind blew through his hair, Kim Dokja’s grin grew wider and wider. When a particularly powerful gust of wind blew across his hair, it fluttered dramatically and stunningly.

Yoo Jonghyuk can’t help but desire to touch that hair with his own hands because they’re so beautiful. Just by looking at Kim Dokja’s charming smile, he was able to let go of all his anxieties and resentment.

Kim Dokja sneezed and trembled, his body becoming colder as a result of the wind.

Yoo Jonghyuk hurriedly wrapped a black cotton blanket around Kim Dokja and cuddled into the crook of Kim Dokja’s neck to keep him warm.

“Don’t you think you’re acting like a big baby?” Kim Dokja caressed Yoo Jonghyuk’s hair while softly humming.

“Your big baby,” Yoo Jonghyuk hummed.

“Yes, only mine,” Kim Dokja purred in agreement.

Yoo Jonghyuk sighed, which made Kim Dokja chuckle at how tickled Yoo Jonghyuk’s breath felt on his neck.

They cradled each other in their arms, seeking warmth and a sense of belonging. Together, they savoured the peace and quiet of the moment.

“I’ve been wondering,” Kim Dokja said, breaking the silence.


“I’m curious about your appearance.” Kim Dokja murmured quietly, his voice slightly cracked. In return, Yoo Jonghyuk tightened his grip on Kim Dokja’s waist.

“I’m curious as to whether or not others think you’re physically attractive. I’d consider it a huge blessing if I could start my day by waking up and spending hours staring at you. What matters is that I get a better sense of who you are by your appearance, not whether you’re handsome or not.”

Kim Dokja continued to ramble, quickly but slowly enough for his words to catch up with him.

Yoo Jonghyuk kissed his nape softly and glanced up at a flustered Kim Dokja.

I Am Undeniably Whipped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now