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The hallway was empty, she could hear heavy footsteps approaching her. With a horrified heart, she stepped back to the empty classroom at the beginning of the veranda. She spotted her bag, her legs moved faster to grab them and to ran away from the Uni before the fearful footsteps overwhelm her.

Her eyes wandered for a shelter. She ran through the corridors screaming for help. Her breath was heavy and her eyes were foggy with tears. Her body was shivering and her skin was pale. Her eyes seek through each classroom on the way for help.

The footsteps following her never stopped. She jittered around the school avoiding that particular classroom on the second floor. Unfortunately for her, she ended up where she shouldn't have.

Fear rushed through her veins. Tears ran through her scarlet cheeks. She spotted the empty corner of the classroom and tried to hide by dragging the tables in front of her. She muffled her moans and clutched her legs close to her chest. For a minute she heard utter silence, before the creepy whistle and the footsteps approaching her!

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