"Maybe its a crule joke on me"

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This is a filler of a character. This character will be added into the story soon on, this is just a intro into the characters backstory.

This chapter is also based off the song pity party by Melanie Martinez.

~Did my invitations disappear~

I slammed on the peddle, speeding up.

~why'd I put my heart on every cursive letter~

Speeding up, as all my thoughts left my brain.

~tell me why the hell no one is here~

I could feel the wind rush by the car as I speeded through the highway, leaving everything behind me.

Looking around as I placed my hand in the gear shift, shifting to another gear to go faster. Watching as the trees passed by. The miles going faster and faster.

50, 51, 54, 60, 64, 69,  73, 80, 91, 130, 154, 192, and then 260. The speed went up faster and faster. I could feel the car tires spin round and round, leaving all the past behind.

Everything was going by, not a thought was in my head. Everything flooded out faster then I could think.

Until it all stopped. Nothing moved till it all came crashing down, the car slammed into the side of the highway.

Flipping over as it shattered all the glass, the air bags not coming out. The wind flowing through the car as everything slowly broke into pieces. Fire shot out of the hood of the car as I sat in the drivers seat looking out the window as I sat upside down in the now burning and crumpling car, burning slowly as my last though would be dying. The only thing that could be heard was the radios last line in the song.

"Maybe is a cruel joke on me?"



Hey guys 😏
How was that? Hmm!? I'm writing this in my math class right now as we're learning about ratios 😎 yes ratios. The thing you do to someone on twitter /j

Also for anyone who doesn't know. The boom mean the car exploded, lol. Don't worry you guys will learn more soon 🌞

*Mwah* daily kiss from Greggy cause u cute :)) also did I tell you how amazing your hair is today? I just love how it looks :D

Gregory x readerWhere stories live. Discover now