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Such a complex color to Roderich.
The redness of the autumn leaves swirling throughout the crisp air and across the ground, the redness of the roses growing peacefully throughout the garden he so dearly loves, the bright shiny red of the cherries used to decorate his cakes. Those are all happy, good thoughts when he sees red.
But, he also sees the bad side from time to time.
The dangerous, dripping red of blood staining his uniform and sword, the menacing red of the symbol he so loathes of a war long passed, the red flag that took away the one he so dearly loves, these are the nightmare inducing shades that make him wake in the dark of the night, sobbing and clawing at the blankets, trying to find peace from the horrible visions haunting him.
On those nights, strong arms shoot up from the opposite side of the bed, pulling him into a warm embrace that fills him with a sense of safety. A thick, sleepy German accent  meets his ears, words of sweetness and love that make the sobs dissipate as quickly as they came. Gentle kisses pressed to his temple and face, the sweet words never ceasing. Reminders that he no longer wore the uniform or brandished the sword, the reminder that the symbol was no longer there to haunt and damn him, and the reminder that the red flag no longer held his lover captive, that he was right here and never leaving his side.
Gilbert is his savior. His other half. His everything. He will only calm down if it is Gilbert holding him. There is an understanding and love that no one can match.
And, as he looks at his lover, he's met with fiery, passionate eyes. A deep scarlet color. Ones that whisper "You're safe, I will never let anything harm you." Gilbert isn't known for being soft and gentle, not by the public. Roderich knows how wrong they are. He is caring and sweet when no one is looking. Away from the world, he lets his true self shine through, and Roderich's heart swells, knowing he is the only one Gilbert treats this way.
Those scarlet eyes calm him when he is most frightened. When he needs to be reassured.
While red is a complex color, filled with mixed memories and emotions for Roderich, it will always be his favorite. Not for the leaves, not for the roses, but for the beautiful eyes he is lucky enough to stare into, the eyes that comfort him in the darkest of times, and the ones that shine in the brightest. That, definitely outweighs the nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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