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"What the fuck" I say looking at my test scores. "How did I get a 99 out 100!!!" I scream hitting my desk. "Hey are you okay Lilif?" Christina said while giving me a hug to calm me down. Christina's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. "Why am I crying, I cant stop crying." I say sobbing "shh it's okay it's okay come with me so you can calm down." Christina wipes my tears and leads me to an area I've been in before. "Where *sniff* are we?" I ask obviously confused, "This is where I go during the school day when I'm overwhelmed or sad, so no one can hear me cry or scream. It's really secluded so rant as LOUD AS YOU WANT!" Christina screams to prove her point. "Sit down" she says as she sits me down."What's wrong?" I pucker up and breath in as much as I can to let lose a mouth full! "I'M SORRY IM SORRY! I'm just so overwhelmed I don't know what to do it's like every move I make I'm wrong or I can't do anything right! Having a mother and father who expects nothing but 100's on everything is terrible and stressful. I don't know what they're gonna do to me when they find out I got a 99. Last time they found out they beat me so badly I had to stay in the basement in an ice bath for 2 days as punishment.." Christina looks at me in uttershock "lilif that's straight up abuse. They beat you so bad you had to lay in ice for 2 days? That's like close to death." She says worryingly "Well sometimes I feel like death will be better for me. No I know it would be, I would be better of death. That's it... THATS THE ANSWER CHRISTINA" I scream gripping her shoulders with full force. "Wha?" She says shakingly and confused. "Ill just kill myself, that way I can just relive my stress. That's it! I got it!" I say letting her go. "Is that what you really want?" Christina asked. "Yeah it is, I want to die.. That's the only way." I say looking her straight in the eye. She looks back at me but her blank expression doesn't look blank. It looks faked.. "That's what you want?" She ask while pulling a knife out of her pocket slowly. "Ill give it to you." Her face quickly switches from calm to uncanny, her wreched smile, her blood lost eyes. I'm terrified. "No.. no.. NO CHRISTINA" I scream while trying to run away. It grabs the back of my collar, that's not my friend I don't know what it is. It's not Christina, it can't be. She pulls me back with full force and shuffled the knife twords my throat. "If death is what you please. I'll grant you your wish." I panick I CANT MOVE "NO PLEASE I DONT WANT TO DIE!!!" I sob "PLEASE please!" I beg and beg until suddenly she lowered the knife. I feel relief until she swiftly takes me by the throat and slams me to the ground. With tears in my eyes and blurred vision for some reason her expression of joy and eagerness was so clear to see. "Christina please rethink thAHHHH" she plunges the knife into my hand. "I gave you a change to rethink. Now shhh it'll be over soon" she says she pulling the knife out of my hand. "I'm sorry.. please AUGHH, AHHH, IT HURTS, IM SORRY, IM SORRY, STOP PLEASE." I scream and scream after time and time again she stabs me in different parts of my body. "Augh *cough* hnnmm *cough*." The blood  hits my face. I can't move, there's blood everywhere I think while looking around. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much. This isn't how I wanted to die.. NOT LIKE THIS... with the little about of strength I have left I take my hand and slowly put it on its cheek. "I- I know your *cough* not Christina.. but Chrisa.. if you're still in there *cough* augh *cough* I'm sorry... I love you.. forever and always..." I say as my hand goes limp. Is this what if feels like to die? My body is numb I can't feel it. "Goodbye Lilif." It says piercing the knife through my throat..

HER pov

I get up and look at her lifeless body "should I eat it? No I can't shes far to fresh." I say putting my food onto her face. I lift it and look at her one last time before I begin to stomp the recognition off of her face. *stomp* *Stomp* *STomp* *STOmp* *STOMp* *STOMP* "Oh shitt she's not even recognizable." I say giggling. Wiping my shoes on her clothes to get the blood off I leave the room. Walking down these long ass hallways was always a chore. (Oh shit it's Christina.) "Hey Lilif" said Christina. "Hi Christina *sniff*" I reply sadly. "Oh what's wro-" I cut her off "I just- can we not talk about it now? Go to boys locker room. I'll be there in a minute I need to get tissue. Then we can talk about it." I say storming off, "Oh okay.." she says confused.

Christina's POV
"I'll go there now!" I raise my voice
(Fuck what was that all about. Now it better be so important that I have to be late for class for thi-) "AHHHH" I scream immediately and quickly turn to run out of the locker room "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE. SHES DEAD LILIF IS DEAD" I run throughout the hallway screaming until I make it to the teachers lounge. "I JUST SAW A DEAD BODY IN THE BOYS LOCKER ROOM." I say crying without noticing, with a look of obvious distress. All of the teacher run out of the lounge to find the body except one. She walks twords me calmly and hugs me. "I know this is tramatizing.. I'm sorry you had to see your bestfriend die." She says while comforting me. "How did you know she was my-" *shink* I look down slowly to see a knife stabbed through my heart. "Y-you did it.. it was yo-". I fall to the ground.

HER pov

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