Talking and supporting each other .

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Br : hey pier 

P : yeah

Br : We are heading back now .

P: ok . 

Br: we will get food on the way back 

P : ok

( they stop at McDonalds )

Br : What you want ??

Pierson POV : 

I was about to say what I wanted but then I realised I forgot my money so I will just say nothing I guess . All my other friends and ex boyfriend all believed when I said I wasn't hungry when I was actually really hungry but I hope he believes it but I also kinda hope he doesn't .

End of POV

Br : Pier ??

P: yeah ??

Br : What do u want ??

P: oh nothing I am fine 

Br : What do u want ??

P : Nothing

Br: you sure ??

P : yeah I am sure 

Br : I don't believe you .

P : well believe me it is the truth 

Br : ok 

P : ok then.

Br : What do u want ??

P : Nothing I already told u .

Br : Whats wrong ??

P : Nothing I am fine 

Br : Fine I was just trying to help but I don't care anymore be like that . 

P : I ....

Br: You going say nothing again 

P : No 

Br : so what are you going say 

P : I am sorry 

Br : For??

P: For everything 

Br : are u ok ??

P: No I am not but no guy I have been friends with or dated has cared this much about me .

Br : I am so sorry but talk to me tell me what's wrong I might be able to help .

P : ok 

Br : wait let me just park up .

P : ok

( he got out the drive thru and parked up and him and Pierson talked )

Br : ok so now we are parked

P : yeah 

Br : Tell me what's wrong 

P : but 

Br : tell me please I won't judge you . I will support you .

P : thank u .

Br : your welcome 

P : ok

Br : Tell me when ur ready 

P : I am ok

Br: ok

P : My ex boyfriend was a jerk . He never cared about me . He was always with his friends and when I was upset he was like tell me I will support you obviously cause we are dating and I believed and I told him my problems are instead of Trying to help me he was just like well that's sucks and left . I dated him twice cause I thought he had changed but obviously not so I ended it with him . A few months later one of his friend came up to me and was like he is in hospital and he only wants you like he is sorry and I was like no I am not going . Then from that day he said something that will always scare me . He said I will ruin your life but slowly . Watch out . So that is why I can not trust guys .

Br : Omg pier I am sorry that all that happened to u . I would never do that to u and neither would the squad . We are just a friend group here to fun and make content for YouTube . If you are ever felling down or sad and you don't want to talk to your brother about it I am always here. I will always support you I mean that . You will grow, do  and become amazing things . You are also my Best Friend . So now if you want to I am not focusing you can you tell me what you want to eat . 

P : I am hungry and I was going to tell you what I wanted but then I realised I don't have any money on me and with my old friends when I said that they were like to bad . so yeah I won't ge anything its ok .

Br: hey I am different . I won't let you just be hungry . I will buy us both something and what do u want pier .

P : Pancakes 

Br : ok

( goes up to the drive thru and ordered )

( they get they food and eat it on the way back )

P : Thanks for this by the way . 

Br : your welcome .

P : I have to pay you back at some point .

Br : No don't worry you. don't have to its fine .

P : are u sure ??

Br : yes I am sure .

P : ok

Hi guys that's all for this chapter so I haven't been active that much . I have been busy with school , friends and family I hope you like this part . I hope you guys are all well and if you are un well I hope you get better soon . What do you think will happening in the next chapter ??

I don't know what chapter Number this is so . Chapter Number I can't remember / I don't know .

It late at night where I am so Good night to me .

But for you guys Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good night .

Which ever one it is I hope your having fun .

Bye guys .

I am going start doing a word count so this one is 

906 .


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