Chapter 2// Grace

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I used to love my days off from the hospital but lately the quietness is overwhelming and I hate it, because my mind goes to places that I wish that it didn't and the darker thoughts are their right next to my demons, itching to come out and it's hard to not give in to them, to drink them away because it's not the answer, when this feeling came I would call tori and she would be here no matter what she was doing, if she wasn't working.

She can't do that now being miles away and honestly, I wouldn't call her now these days, she has a family now, I won't be a burden to her with my demons.

The truth is the feeling of dreed is stronger than it's ever been and I'm not sure why, Xander can't hurt me anymore I know that, it could be because the anniversary is coming up in the next few weeks.

I just need to do what I do every year, throw myself into work until the anniversary has been and gone and I can breathe again.

Shaking away my thoughts as I hear my phone ringing, the FaceTime ringtone.

Answering the video chat just as Tori's face pops up with Daisy in her arms.

"Hi auntie Gracie' Tori sings with a smile as she waves Daisy tiny hand at me, while Daisy laughs her little head off at her mom.

"There's my favourite girl, auntie grace misses you" I say with my own smile.

Other then my patients at the hospital, I haven't been around that many babies or kids. Honestly the first time I ever held Daisy I was terrified I would drop her on her head, but over the last few months when I've visited Tori and her family, I've come to love that little girl like a niece.

"Then maybe it's time you come and visit us...we miss you grace"

"I miss you guys too.... surprisedly even Deacon's annoying personality"

"That's just mean Grace! And here's me thinking you would be my girl-;" I heard Deacon's voice shout from somewhere only for it to be followed by a small thump and his voice again.

"Fuck! That hurt Derek, why did you hit me"

"Out now" Derek's voice shushes his brother and then it was quiet and Tori was smirking at me.

"Just us girls now, so back to you coming to River-Cove, you haven't been since my wedding" she said.

Shaking my head and sighed, as much as I wanted to see her in person, River-cove is not an option for me, I can't face seeing Jack it would be to hard and I can't even tell Tori about it, because knowing my best friend she will she try and meddled in it and I can't handle that, I mean my choice, I let Jack go that night and nothing is going to change my mind.

"I know and I'm sorry, I'm just really busy with work right now" I lied.

"I get that I do, the life of a doctor but we haven't seen you in four months"

"I can't right now-;" I start to say but she cuts me off with a glare.

"Fourth of July is coming up in a few weeks, we're having a big bbq and it's important that all the people we love are there" she cries sadly at me.

Shaking my head and sighed, I don't want to upset her, but I can't see him.

"Tori....-:" I sighed not knowing how to tell her.

"Look I've known you long enough to know not to push you. I know something happened between you and Jack; I also know that you will tell me in your own time but-;"

"But what?" I snapped at her without meaning too.

"But you are my best friend, you're my family. And Jack is both those things to Derek, which means you two eventually will have to work out your crap, because either one of you aren't going anywhere anytime soon" she argued.

Shaking my head and avoided eye contact with her, letting out a deep sigh.

She's right, she's my best friend I wouldn't cut her out of my life for anyone and I know she wouldn't do the same either.

Jack and Derek are friends, partners and sure enough family to one another. My guess is Jack feels the same about his friendship with Derek like I do with Tori.

Like it or not our best friends are married, they have a child and probably somewhere down the line they are going to have their own children together.

If Jack and I are at odds every time one of us wants to celebrate something important with our friends, it's going to cause problems between Tori and Derek, and I think that's the last thing I want for them and I'm sure Jack feels the same way.

The problem nobody wants is our relationship causing problems in theirs.

"I get what you're saying I do; I promise to work my stuff out that includes Jack. I also try and get Fourth of July off so I can come see you guys" I announced.

Tori's face breaks out into a huge grin.

"Thank you...I'll see you then" just as she finished that sentence Daisy starts to fuss.

"I have to go she needs a bottle and nap, thank you Grace" she says to me.

"Thank me for what?" I ask confused.

"For putting aside your feelings and being a good friend, it's what makes you amazing" she replies with a smile.

Not knowing what to say to her, I simple just return a smile and wave goodbye before hanging up the phone and threw myself back on the couch.

The Fourth of July is a month away, which means I have a full month to figure out what hell I'm going to do when I come face with the man who somehow chases my demons away without even knowing it.

Trusting Jack (River-Cove Series: Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now