aaron carpenter (broken up with my EX)

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~ Shannon P.O.V~

so today i was getting ready for my date with Luke hemming's so i put my hair in curls and put on the dress that Luke loves on me then i see my phone beeping so i see that i got a text it read:

"don't bother put on that dress cause we are breaking up it's not you it's me so i found someone less prettier then you cause you deserve someone better than me so we are done but i hope we can still be friends" it was from Luke 

so i replied with "yea i understand that you are a total dick to me so go have fun with the bitch and when you 2 break up don't come running back to me you dick and no we can't be friends anymore so bye dickhead :) "

then i just died of tears in my eyes then the song "uptown funk"  come on that means that i am being called i look at the collar ID it said it was from Aaron carpenter so i answered it 


M: hello" i say wipeing my tears 

A: hello? why does it sound like you are crying ?did Luke stand up ?OMFG?where are u so i can come get u?

M : for 1)hi 2)yes 3) yes he broke up  with me a minit a go 4)OMFG i know 5)i am home 6)can you come over with me to the store to get some ice cream and chocolate please?then come back here and cuddle with me please i w ill be the best of a friend forever

A:fine over in a few mins i love you bye 

M: love you too bye

then i hung up and got dressed in 

* PJ bottoms 

*a big fat blue hoodie 

then the doorbell rang 

so i ran downstairs because i live in an apartment all by myself 

there stood Arron with a big bag of chocolate and a huge tub of ice cream 

i grabbed the ice cream and ran to the couch and watched 'perks of being a wallflower'so me and Aaron cuddled then he asked me to be his girlfriend i said yes so we are a happy couple now he kissed me goodnight then he thought i was asleep then whispered "i love you " so whispered back "i  love you too"and fell i sleep cuddling 


hello my little bunnies

so i haven't wrote a story in a while so here you go

i will have more soon

don't forget to check out my "lyrics"book i can making

:) thanks for reading my stories means a lot

~Shannon is out for the night :) ~

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