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Requested by  SmilySrusty


The maknae line. Or at least that's what Taehyung used to feel like he was part of. Lately he wasn't feeling like part of anything, really. At least not like before. He was extremely close to all of his members, he had a bond with every single one of them that could not be broken.

So he doesn't know what happened.

Taehyung found himself being by himself a lot these days. He'd ask someone to hang out or play a game with him, but everyone was always too busy. He tried to not take it personally, he knew the job they had was exhausting and required everyone's full focus a lot of the time. He himself was immersed in his work more often than not, but even when all of them had time off, he still found himself to be by himself.

As soon as he had joined BTS he had an exceptionally strong bond with Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin being his "Soul Mate" as they would call themselves, and Jungkook being his only little brother. Things were weird between the three of them lately. They were distant, except Jungkook and Jimin weren't distant from eachother, but only from Taehyung. He often found the two of them together not really wanting anything to do with him. Taehyung brushed it off at first, but he was getting depressed about it lately. To say the least, he missed them. He started to wonder if he'd done something wrong to make them mad at him, but he couldn't think of anything. And they never seemed mad at him, they just seemed busy. Taehyung almost wished they were mad instead, at least them yelling at him would prove they still knew he existed.

Things hadn't been much better with his hyungs either. One day at dance practice , he had left to go to the bathroom. When he came back, the members were in dance units beginning new choreographies.

"Hobi-hyung" Taehyung tapped Hobi on the shoulder,  "Whose dance unit am I in?"

Hobi froze, "Oh shit, I forgot to put you in one. Um..just join Yoongi and Namjoon."

Taehyung pouted, not only was he forgotten, but he wanted to be in the unit with Jungkook and Jimin. Those two somehow ended up together. He was supposed to be there too.

"Can I switch to theirs?" He pointed to his fellow maknae liners.

"No Taehyungie, we already planned our choreography and it only needs two people," Jimin told him. Taehyung looked at the floor and made his way to the unit he was in. He halfheartedly practiced the dancing. He didn't even want to be there anymore. Every time he made a mistake Hobi would yell at him, and every time he tried to make a suggestion Namjoon would tell him to be quiet and listen to Hobi. He felt like there was a brick wall forming between him and all his members and he didn't know why, or how to break it.

After practice everyone was back at the dorm, Jin had asked what everyone wanted to order for dinner. They were going to get delivery. Everyone shouted their orders and Jin wrote them down.

"Can I have panda express?" Taehyung asked Jin. He knew Jin couldn't hear him over everyone else being loud and shouting.

"Hyung, panda express please?" He tried to speak up louder. Jin still didn't hear him. He let out a sigh and walked over to his hyung instead and tapped him on the shoulder, "Hyung."

"Wait a second, Tae. I have to write these down," Jin told him. After everyone's orders were written down, Taehyung tapped Jin on the shoulder again. "Hold on, let me call these in," Jin gestured.

"Hyung you didn't write my order down," Taehyung pointed to the paper.

"Oh, I didn't? Well why didn't you tell me what you wanted?" Jin asked. Taehyung knew it shouldn't have been a big deal, but he wanted to break down and cry. He felt invisible. Jin was his oldest hyung and always took care of him. He counted on Jin for a lot of things. He didn't know what to do if Jin didn't care about him anymore.

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