chaper 10

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sams pov:
i didn't know what was going on between billie and y/n but when they came back y/n was acting weird,she looks worried?

i decided to text her and ask her if she's ok.

<— Y/N❤️

you ok?you
acting weird.


billies pov
i took y/n phone and when i did she looked worried,like she was doing something she wasn't meant to.

you ok?you acting weird.

i didn't even open it.


billie got the notification and immediately ran up to sam,she grabbed her and threw her on the floor,despite the hight difference,
"i know what your doing with y/n,you think i would find out"
before sam even got to respond billie started throwing punches left right and center,sam was almost passed out but then y/n stepped in.
*she pulls billie by her shoulders and stands in front of her.*
"go into the bedroom now."
billie stormed off into the bedroom
"fuck sake billie,what did u do to sam."
"y/n call the ambulance,please.."
sam said as she passed out

"911 what's your emergency?"
"hi my friend is passed out and she got beaten up,our house um got broken into"
"ok we're sending the police and ambulance now,i'm going to give you instructions for what to do until they arrive."
"ok thank you"
she set the phone down and put it on speaker following every instruction very carefully..

•after the ambulance came and took sam to the hospital •

"billie come here right now!"
"why did you do that?"
"bc your mine,idc what anyone says,i didn't like what she send you."
"whta did she send?"
"dw about it sweetheart,let's just get to the hospital."
"ok baby."

•at the hospital•

"hello ma'am what can i help you with?"
"i'm looking for my friend."
"what's her name i'll find her room."
"sam... this her?"
"yes thank you!"
"ofc darling it's room 208"
"thank you ma'am"

"she was nice dont you think y/n?"
"yes,ok now let's go i'm worried,arnt you i swear she's like your childhood friend or something."
"yea she just pissed me off."
"i get that love but you dont always need to fight."

"that's the only way it's gunna get done."

narrator pov:

y/n and billie went to sams room and when they went they couldn't believe what billie had done,she broke her nose,gave her a black eye,broke her arm,and had cuts and bruises all over her face,also she had stitches on her chest and fourhead.
she was still passed out while wired and tubes were sticking out of her.

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