Edward grabbed bella as i got on seth's back as they ran down towards the field. We made it down to the field jasper, mom, and dad all ran over to seth and i. I got off seth and tried to walk towards Jasper but i fell to the ground light headed. Jasper, mom and dad ran to me. Jasper helped me stand up and mom pulled up my sleeves and saw a trail of blood from the rock scrape.
Carlisle came over to check me over and said " honey i can tell you lost a lot of blood. can you tell me how it happened."
I nodded and said " Bella ripped my arm out of my sleeve and stabbed me with the rock to distract victoria and riley. My head hurts and I'm tired pappy"" Ok honey you need to stay awake for a little bit longer. Jasper make sure she stays awake. Rose you can scream all you want when we get back home at her. The volturi is here."
Jasper held me in his arms and the volturi came before mom started going off on bella.
Jane said "It appears you've done our work for us. Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact.
Carlisle: We were lucky.
Jane: I doubt that.
Alec: It appears we missed an entertaining fight.
Jane: Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary.
Edward: If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose.
Jane: Pity. You missed one.
Carlisle: We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender.
Jane: That wasn't yours to offer
Jane: Why did you come?
Esme: They came to destroy us to kill Bella.
Jane: Who created you?
Esme: You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know.
Jane: I know.
Bree: I don't know Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe.
Edward: Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her.
Carlisle: Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?
Jane: Of course. Felix. Take care of that, Felix. I'd like to go home. Thank you Felix.
Esme: She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance.
Jane: The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human.
Bella: The date is set.
Jane said" Who hurt Hailey? Caius would like you to have this Hailey this is a list of all our phone numbers if or when you need to contact us.
I said " Bella is the one that hurt me so Edward could kill Victoria. Jane can we go back to the house so that I can get checked by pappy.
Jane: Ok Hailey. Carlisle make sure she is well taken care of or the volturi will come for you all. Until next time.
We all ran back to the house and Jasper ran us up to Carlisle hospital room.
I was put on the table as pap ran around the room getting everything ready. He had hooked me up to an IV and said " I'm going to hook you up to a blood transfusion to get back the blood you lost. Jasper can you get rose and Emmett up here." The three of them ran into the room.
Pap said " Rose Emmett I'm hooking up a blood transfusion so she gets her blood back up. Honey you can get some rest now."
I looked up at pap and said " thank you." "Your welcome hailey." Pap said.
I pointed at jazz and pointed to the bed. He laughed and got in the bed and bear ran up the stairs and hopped up onto the bed at our feet and fell asleep. I passed out as I heard jasper say I love you baby.
bella's Hated sister
FanfictionMy names hailey swan and here is my story of how I became a vampire from my hated sister. stephanie Myers all belongs to her besides hailey and other characters. Please comment I would love to read all the feedback!!!!