(Chapter 1 )The Electrical Connection

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The sound of a whistle comes from a room in front getting louder and louder calling in all the female gymnasts. Three girls named Neo karii a 2nd year, Kyun Hua 3rd year, and Yu Jii a 1st year, run up to the coach. They're names were specifically called in so that way the loud disturbing whistle would not disturb the other gymnasts. The coach had a serious look on her face, as if the three young women had done something illegal.

 The coach had some non - preferable words spit out of her mouth that had upset the tree women. " I want you three off of the team, you are a big distraction to the following gymnasts on our team and make us look of a fool on every competition." Said the coach. The girls were slightly confused until Kyun Hua asked a question that would make all this confusion stop.  "So,..Your basically telling us to leave the team after all the hard work we have done for you?..." said Kyun. Neo and Jii had that figured out what the coach was saying.

  After gathering there materials and private contents along with belongings', they walk out of the gymnasium turning there heads to the sign on top of the balcony saying there cheer name on it. As if they were never going to see it again as if it was going to be demolished. They start walking back to there shared apartment which requires going down an alleyway. The alleyway always looked as if it had come out of a horror movie or a famous kidnapping area. 

They never were bothered by it though. Once they got to the alley, Jii noticed something  that was never placed before by neighbors or rental owners. They were three glowing floating orbs all in different colors such as blue , pink , and purple. Once Jii got a closer look she had to call the girls over to get a look of what she was seeing. Jii almost went to touch it when Kyun grabbed her wrist quickly to prevent a disaster from happening. " What are these things?" asked Neo. The three looked at each other then shrugged. "I REEEAAALLLLYYY wanna touch it! said Jii. They all wanted to touch it matter of fact they just didn't know what the precautions were. "Okay, Okay, we will all touch it on the count of three okay?" asked Kyun. They all nod and start counting while slowly reaching there hands out to go and touch the floating bright orbs.

"3!" They all yell. they end up touching the orbs while a bright light converts there eyes. They all open there eyes to a Digital room with them floating in the centers. They were put into separate rooms coordinating with the colored orb they touched. "woah.." expressed Neo. They all touch the tiny bright dot in front of them just so another bright beam of light condemns there eyes. They get Teleported back in front of there apartment complex but something is different. They look at each other then look down to see what they were all sitting on. "what?......w-wait, A MOTERCYCLE!?!" exclaimed the girls. They quickly run up the stairs that lead to there apartment so they can look in the mirror. 

(here's what they look like now

(here's what they look like now

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(Here is Kyun)

(aslo once again none of this artwork is mine credits to the OG artists)

(aslo once again none of this artwork is mine credits to the OG artists)

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(Here is Neo)

(here is Jii)

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(here is Jii)







                                                                    (End Of Chapter 1)

                                 ( HELP I NEED IDEAS FOR CHAPTER 2 PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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