Chapter -09

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"It, would be easier if we surrendered"

kisamae frowned, slowly putting his hands up.

The guards had guns, they were all out numbered horribly bad.
Hidan went after a guard, they didn't hesitate to shoot him.

"Hidan!" Misaki yelt, dropping to the floor.
Itachi picked her up and held her in his chest.

"Don't let me go, itachi. Don't leave"

She cried.
He leaned down to her lips and whispered,

"were going to get out of here"

"Everyone, infuse your chakra with Misaki's"

Everyone gathered around, even Hidan.

Moments after, Misaki walked out.

"Byakugan!" She yelt, the boys stood behind her, waiting.


her eyes pireced right through them all, every gaurd fell to the ground immediately.
Her body weight was unsteady, she fell but was caught by her lover, itachi.

"Good job, we're getting out of here now!"

"Tobi can drive! Tobi good driver!"

Tobi ran into the van with all the other patients, kicking them all out.

Hidan and kisamse looked at each other, as Tobi waved at them to get in the car.
They all rushed in, shutting the door, tobi stepped on the gas harshly, sending everyone flying backwards.

"Ughm-" Misaki whined as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"That must be alot of chakra for you to take in, since you never really use it"

kisamae frowned.

"Yeah, but you dead ass did fucking awesome sugar tits!"

Hidan giggled.

"Tobi's a good driver!"

Tobi giggled, taking a hard turn throwing Everyone in the back around.

"Tobi! What the fuck!" Hidan yelt.

Deidaras face hit the wall.
Hidan started laughing uncontrollably as well as kisamae.

"Hm! Not funny!" Deidara's nose leaked blood.

Sasori laid on the floor, he had scrapped his elbow.

"Ughh, someone grab the wheel from tobi!" Sasori growled.

"Oh shit, I forgot im bleeding" hidan coughed blood.

Misaki was laying in Itachi's lap.
Taking in all of their chakra was way to much for her.
Especially since she hasent practiced using her chakra since she was younger.


Tobi yelt as the truck tumbled.
They were defently tumbling down a huge hill.
Everyone was hitting each other, Getting thrown around. Sasori hit his head, passing out.

"Tobi you fucking idiot!"

Hidan yelt, placing his hand on his now bleeding head.

They all heard sirens.

"Lets go, follow me. Someone grab Sasori"

itachi took Misaki into a bridal style way, kicking the vans back doors open. He jumped from tree to tree, kisamae was carrying Sasori. deidara, Hidan, and Tobi were following quickly.


Misaki's eyes slowly opened.
She saw heads peeking over, first Itachi's, then kisamae's, then deidara's.

"What- happened?"

She groaned, sitting up from itachis lap. They had all settled inside of a cave.

"We'll explain in a minute, Hidan needs help tho, immediately!"

Kisamae frowned.
She looked over to see Sasori's head bandaged, he was looking down at hidan, who had his hand placed over his stomach. He was bleeding out.

Misaki quickly stumbled to get up, rushing over to Hidan, she moved his hands.
She placed her hands over the wound. Green mist sparked, she moaned.

Deidara placed his hands over hers.

"Take my chakra, hm" He smiled.

Misaki nodded, green mist came from both of their hands. Deidara groaned in pain. Lots of pain.

"Hes bled out alot, im not sure if he's going to make it.."


HAHA CLIFF HANGER! ILY. I'm also Mega tired so uhm, I gotta go to bed :)
Tommorrow I'll try to update the story's I didn't do tonight! <3

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