Dating Lady D will include

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Ever wonder what it's like to actually date the 9'6 goddess? Let's find out!!

• cuddles

Lady d might look cold and act like she doesn't care about anyone. But at the end of the day she will come find you, pick you up and take you to her chambers for some nice needed cuddles.

• lots of pet names

Yes she will call you darling but that's not all. Here are just some of them:
Draga mea (my darling in Romanian)
Little one (for obvious reasons)
Sweet one (bc of your blood probably)
Sweet one
Darling one
My precious
My love

• pet names you call her

My love
My everything
My lady

• teasing. LOTS of teasing.

She will take any chance she gets to pick you up and whisper dirty things into your ear. She'll do them in front of your coworkers and you won't ever hear the end of it. She loves to make you a flustered mess.

• She's very possessive.

When you guys went to the village one time, a group of 3 girls and 2 boys could not stop looking at you. Your lady of course noticed. And oh boy she wasn't happy about it. She "sliced them into ribbons" no one has looked at you like that ever again since.

•a lot of reassurance.

Since you battle with anxiety. You tend to have a lot of doubt in yourself, if you will reach the standards of your lady. She of course thinks that silly but she will still hold you and comfort you.

"It's alright little one, you're enough for me, and I love you."

•tea time

She and you will have a cup of tea at least 3 times a week. She's not good with expressing emotions but she's trying.

"Darling, don't forget tea time at 2 today"

"Of course love"

• who said "I love you" first

Well funny story actually.
You were making jokes with her about some topic and you made her laugh so hard that she said it. It went something like this.
"Haha..I love you so much pet"

"....what did you say??"



Kinda like that. She will always remember it, and you two still joke about it.

• naps

She will just come take you from your tasks and bring you to her bedroom. No questions needed, she'll just put you in her bed, wrap you in a blanket and take a nap with you. You won't have it any other way.

•what will she do for dates?
She will plan out a picnic!!

The castle has an amazing garden, filled with all sorts of beautiful trees, flowers and bushes.
You guys will just sit there and enjoy each others company. No need for words, just each other.

•when she found out mother Miranda wanted to infect you with the Caoudu.

She freaked out. She cried and yelled and was all over the place. Since it has a 50/50 chance of living after the infection, she could not bare to loose you.

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