11. The Right Direction

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"We should get far away from here. It would be bad if anyone heard the Dragonets of Destiny were present at the attack on the Summer Palace."

Golden Cheese couldn't believe that they had all found their way to the island with the small caves safe and sound. Destiny truly did want them to end the war, and now she found herself wanting to end the war too. That wasn't to say she never had before, but the feeling was definitely a lot stronger now. Everyone murmured in agreement, not quite feeling like their usual selves after witnessing the gory events that were still unfolding at the Summer Palace as they spoke.

"We should go to the rainforest." Golden Cheese suggested, earning a small smile from White Lily, "For real this time. Let's find White Lily's family."

"Yeah." The other four dragonets of Destiny agreed simultaneously, slowly feeling less shaken by the day's gruesome events.

"Can I come with you?" A sixth voice suddenly spoke up, startling everyone. 

The dragonets of Destiny all whipped around defensively, Hollyberry standing in front of them. She backed down once she saw the dragon's face. It was Sea Fairy, her light blue and pink scales shimmering beautifully in the sunset. All of her pearls were missing, and Golden Cheese realised with guilt that she was the cause of that. The third-born SeaWing princess' pearls were most likely still floating in the throne room, melting in the flames. She was still stunning with or without the pearls.

"Why?" Dark Cacao asked cautiously, his black and grey scales shining a deep purple in the fading light of the sunset.

"I want to see someone." Sea Fairy explained, her voice soft, "And... I think I'm your missing wings of sea."

"What?!" All of the dragonets of destiny exclaimed at once, obviously taken by surprise.

Golden Cheese had never wondered what had happened to the SeaWing dragonet of destiny. She had never paid much mind to it. If Webs had gotten a RainWing egg instead of a SeaWing egg, then the SeaWing egg must've have died. Or at least that's what she'd said whenever White Lily had asked about it.

"I hatched on the brightest night like all of you, and although my scales aren't a deep blue my egg was. Your guardians probably couldn't retrieve my egg because of how heavily guarded the royal hatchery is." Sea Fairy continued, trying to read their expressions.

"Hey, that actually makes sense!" Hollyberry spoke up, the other dragonets of destiny not daring to.

"I suppose so." Dark Cacao agreed once the silence was too much for him, "As long as your family don't send an army out looking for you then you can come with us. We're leaving immediately." White Lily's mood darkened whilst Sea Fairy's brightened.

"Thank you." The SeaWing princess smiled, "My family won't come looking for me if my mother is... you know. And if she isn't then I doubt I'll be the first thing she worries about."

"Let's go then!" Golden Cheese exclaimed, stretching her wings in preparation for the journey ahead of them.

Hollyberry hesitated, glancing back at the ruins of the Summer Palace one more time, almost as if she had left something very valuable behind. Golden Cheese didn't have to be a NightWing to know what the MudWing was thinking. She missed Pitaya. Deep down the golden SkyWing did too. They hadn't known each other for that long when she really thought about it, but he acted like the brother she never had. Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao were like her brothers too, but she had never met another dragon of her tribe that actually wanted to be around her before Pitaya. But like before she knew that they would meet again. Destiny wasn't done with Pitaya of the SkyWings.

"He'll be alright." Golden Cheese reassured, smiling sadly as she brushed her wing against Hollyberry's, "If I had to guess he'll fly towards the sand kingdom to find his family. Once he knows they're okay I have a feeling we'll be meeting each other again."

"You're right, but that won't stop me from missing him." Hollyberry sighed, preparing to take off into the sky.

"Someone's in loooOooOve~" The golden skywing sang, nudging the other dragon playfully.

Golden Cheese narrowly dodged Hollyberry's attempt at pushing her into the sand, "I am not. He was a good friend, nothing more."

"Sure he was." Golden Cheese chirped cheekily.

"He was, I swear!" The MudWing protested, and the bright blush on her face said otherwise.

"Yeah sure Hol." Golden Cheese agreed, a mischievous grin on her golden face, "You didn't have a crush on Pitaya, and Dark Cacao over there can read minds."

Upon hearing his name the nightwing turned to face them, his face devoid of any amusement. However, he didn't scold them like usual, instead turning around and listening to Pure Vanilla, who was trying to fill in the blanks about Sea Fairy being the lost seawing dragonet of destiny. Hollyberry and Golden Cheese chuckled, before the former suddenly pivoted a handful of sand at the latter's snout.

Golden Cheese sneezed, blinking as she desperately tried to rub sand off her scales, "Hey! You'll make my scales all sandy."

"Who would've guessed." Dark Cacao murmured under his breath sarcastically, and the SkyWing had half a mind to get Hollyberry to throw sand at his snout too.

"We should get going if we want to reach the rainforest by nightfall." Pure Vanilla announced, readying his pastel yellow wings for the flight ahead of them.

Golden Cheese grinned, "Then what are we waiting for?"

And so the dragonets of destiny, all six of them, took off into the sky, flying towards their destiny.

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