Chapter 5

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The forest was huge! Thornkit was amazed. There were so many noises out of camp. "I'm going to gather some herbs," Yellowfang called. "I need to stock up on some catmint and coltsfoot. You can play around but stay near me, understand?" "Yes Yellowfang," Thornkit answered. He wandered around the clearing and jumped in piles of dead leaves. A fern frond rustled nearby- mouse. Thornkit fell into the hunting crouch. He tried to keep himself as quiet as possible. One step at a time, one step more and-pounce! The ferns rustled wildly as he landed directly on the mouse. He had caught it! Yellowfang stuck her head into the fronds. "Bite it on the neck," she told him. Thornkit bit into the mouse and the sharp tang of blood spilled into his mouth. "There," she told him. "Your first prey. Give thanks to Starclan." Thornkit put his front paw on top of the mouse. "Thank you Starclan," he breathed. Yellowfang shook herself. "We'd best be getting back. You can put your prey on the fresh-kill pile or give it to the elders." "Can I show Frostfur?" asked Thornkit. "Of course," Yellowfang said, around the bundle of herbs she was carrying.

Thornkit could still see the looks on everyone's faces as he strolled into camp, carrying his fat mouse. "Wow Thornkit!" exclaimed Cinderpaw. "That's the fattest mouse I've ever seen!" Cats crowded around him, "Good job, Thornkit," "Very nice, Thornkit" Even Bluestar came up to him. "Well done, Thornkit" she rumbled affectionately. Thornkit walked over to the elder's den, carrying his prize. The elders had obviously heard the commotion and were sticking their heads out of the door when Thornkit arrived. "Very good job, Thornkit," rumbled Mumblefoot. "Yes, that mouse looks delicious," mewed Robinwing. "It's for you," Thornkit mewed, setting it down in front of them. The elders ate for a while, and then passed the rest over to Thornkit. "You can have the rest," mewed Mumblefoot. "I think this deserves a story; don't you think?" purred Robinwing. Thornkit dug into the mouse and listened whilst Smallear told a tale about how he fought off a badger single pawed. Once the story had finished, Thornkit mewed goodbye to the elders and strolled out into camp. When he was halfway across the camp, Cinderpaw dashed up to him. "Fireheart's taking me hunting at fourtrees!" she yowled. "I'm going to catch a shrew! And a squirrel! And a mouse! I can't wait!" "You won't if you keep yowling like that," Fireheart mewed good-humouredly, coming up behind them. "You'll scare all the prey away from fourtrees!" Cinderpaw turned on her mentor, a good-humoured gleam in her eyes. "It'll probably be asleep when we get there which will make it easy prey." Fireheart gave her a gentle cuff around the ear and Cinderpaw ran off, squealing. "I'd best be off," Fireheart mewed to Thornkit. "Wish me luck!" He strolled off after Cinderpaw and met up with Graystripe and Brackenpaw at the entrance of the camp. The two exchanged words, then Graystripe turned and followed Fireheart. Brackenpaw bounded ahead to meet his sister. Thornkit watched them go, feeling a sharp pang of jealousy, but he pushed it away. He would be an apprentice soon, and then he could go outside. Thornkit shook himself and bounded away to find Brightkit.

A sudden yowling made Brightkit and Thornkit stop their pretend battle for a moment. Thornkit looked up to see Cinderpaw and Fireheart ushering Graystripe in, with Brackenpaw bringing up the rear. Graystripe was soaking wet and shivering from head to paw. Fireheart escorted Graystripe to the medicine cat's den, whilst Brightkit and Thornkit made their way around to Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw. "What happened?" Thornkit and Brightkit mewed in unison. "Graystripe fell in the stream by the training hollow." Cinderpaw mewed, wide eyed. "I slipped and Graystripe came to help me, but the ice was thin, and it cracked, and he fell into the water." "Is he ok?" asked Brightkit. "He's gone to Yellowfang. She'll fix him up," mewed Brackenpaw. "Cinderpaw! Brackenpaw! Come over here!" called Tigerclaw. "Gotta go," meowed Cinderpaw, and shot over, Brackenpaw hard on her heels. Brightkit appeared beside him. "They'll probably have to do the bedding and ticks." She comforted him. "Want to get back to our battle?" "Sure!"

A few days later, on a hot sunny day, Thornkit was lounging around near the fresh-kill pile when he heard raised voices. "Tigerclaw has found evidence of Shadowclan in our territory! Bluestar needs to come at once!" That was Dustpaw. "Fireheart! Do you know whether there is any catnip in the Twolegplace? And Yellowfang. "Why would we need catnip?" Dustpaw again. Yellowfang ignored him. "Yes, there is some catnip in the Twolegplace." Fireheart mewed. "Good. Go get as much as you can, and fast." Yellowfang urged. "What about Tigerclaw?" Demanded Dustpaw. "Tigerclaw will have to deal with it on his own for the moment." Yellowfang snapped. "Deal with what?" A new voice asked. Cinderpaw. "Shadowclan could be in our territory right now!" Dustpaw spat. "If I'm quick with the catnip," Fireheart meowed, "I could meet Tigerclaw afterwards and bring his message to Bluestar." "Tigerclaw asked for Bluestar. She needs to see the evidence for herself!" Dustpaw meowed angrily. Yellowfang silenced him with a growl. "Bluestar doesn't need to see evidence. The word of her deputy should be enough." "Tigerclaw just needs to be told that Bluestar can't come," meowed Fireheart. "I'll take the message to him after I've gotten the catnip." Any response Dustpaw made was drowned out by Thornkit, as he stalked through the bush. This could be his big break! If he went out, fought Shadowclan back and strolled back into camp, triumphant, he might be made an apprentice! He snuck into the dirtplace, behind Frostfur's back only to discover that Cinderpaw had been through there. Mousedung! She might get there first. There was nothing to do but follow her scent. He stalked Cinderpaw all the way to thunderpath, to find her sniffing at some bones on the thunderpath. Just then, he heard a rumbling in the distance. A monster! It barrelled towards Cinderpaw as she stood, cowering in the middle of the thunderpath. "Cinderpaw!" Thornkit yowled. But it was too late. The monster knocked her flying onto the frosty grass beside the thunderpath, where she lay, motionless, on the ground. 

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