Part 78

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"No, this is too oily. Its my wedding today, I am not having this" said Navya as the waiter laid the food on the table. Raman,Ishita,Raj and Nyonika were down looking after the arrangements while the youngsters were up having their lunch as they had to get ready thereafter.

"Stop being this conscious Navya" remarked Cabir as he was frustrated now. Since the very morning, she was showing tantrums over food. Apparently, as she told them, she came across a video on youtube which conveyed to her that if a bride wishes to look the best, she should go for salad on the wedding day and nothing else.

"Cabir,its okay calm down chidh kyu raha hai yaar" said Mukti looking at the disheartened face of Navya.

"Its okay Mukti" said Navya as she got up and went downstairs while Cabir stared at her and sighed.

"Who fights on their wedding day yaar?" said Dhruv as he nudged Cabir to go to Navya who kept on having his food.

Getting irritated with everyone insisting him to go, he got up and left the dining area but not going into Navya's direction. Everyone was shocked to look at him.

"Something is wrong with them" said Nandini as Manik nodded and looked at her.

"I will talk to Cabir" said Manik , following Cabir


"What's up with you bro?" asked Manik after standing behind Cabir for a while.

"Nothing Manik" said Cabir passing him a smile which Manik clearly observed to be fake.

"Cabir, you know right you can never hide anything from me" said Manik as he sat down infront of him while he sighed and settled beside him too.

"Manik, Navya is behaving very strange- I mean-" said Cabir trying to pick up the right words .

"I am all ears,okay?" said Manik assuring him that he is there.

"She is getting insecure each passing day. She is changing Manik. Not the Navya that I fell in love with." said Cabir as Manik tried to understand him

"You remember ? Abruptly , she got the venue changed because she was insecure, she wanted to have a destination wedding , fine, but not for us, for Nandini and Naira had had one. You tried to make  your one month with Nandini special and none of us could be happier, but she thinks you two did that to outshine us. When you two announced about your Bali plan, she is unhappy again, she wants us to go to the very same place for our honeymoon. She was never like this. I don't know what has happened and I am so sorry" revealed Cabir as Manik sat taken aback. He did not knew he doing something for his wife would make Navya insecure and when he sang for Nandini at the ceremony, that was solely to make her smile and not others jealous.

Seeing Manik in deep thoughts, Cabir instantly regretted telling him the truth. 

"I am sorry on her behalf Manik, trust me she loves you two equally just that something has happened and I don't know what" said Cabir as Manik looked at him and nodded.

"Cabir,its okay, it happens. I am sure she would be fine" said Manik smiling at him.

"Hmm, and for now go and talk to her Cabir, you would not want to see her upset in the evening right?" said Nandini, who heard their talks as she was up to call Manik. She was very very upset knowing her own bestfriend, or who was her bestfriend andnow has turned out to be a different person, is insecure of her. Why? Subsiding her tears she spoke out making her presence felt to the brothers.

The two looked at her, it was not very difficult for Manik to see through her . Cabir nodded at her and went down to Navya leaving Manik and Nandini up on the terrace. Manik gestured Nandini to join him on the couch which she did. Nandini sat quietly on the couch while Manik observed her,waiting and he would not refrain from waiting forever if it had to be like that. Giving your partner time and not forcing them to speak is what you should do, you know they would come to you at the end of the day and talk.

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