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"Straight here?" Kanan asked while parting the curtain of vines in front of them. Heil didn't look up and answered, "We'll be arriving at the entrance in three... two... one." They both stopped in unison, and true to his words they arrived at a small clearing.

A pair of birds came close and chirped at them before flying away. Heil put the map and compass in his pouch and turned to the young-looking man wearing a straw hat—where he got it, though was unknown.

"Follow after me, do exactly what I'm about to do," Heil ordered. Kanan nodded obediently, it was evident from the thick miasma that enveloped the whole area, that one wrong move could put them in a complicated situation.

The birds that were still happily singing earlier were now a pile of bones beside them. Even though the trees looked healthy and lively, the dark red monstrous roots would disagree.

Heil stepped on a barren spot and whipped his feet to strike at a pebble. The pebble flew away from them and was immediately impaled a couple of times from roots that looked like hair due to how thin it was.

"Don't let your thoughts stray, okay? Unless you want to be a pincushion," Heil flashed a smirk before leaping to another spot.

Kanan gulped at the pebble that turned into dust. He hurriedly followed behind Heil and didn't dare try to waste a second.

"What kind of place is 'tis..." Kanan muttered behind Heil when they arrived at the mouth of a cave. Heil already signaled earlier that it was safe and no roots could attack them.

"Close your mouth, and if possible, stop breathing altogether." Kanan was offended, although Heil wasn't making fun of him. But, the God didn't bother to explain to him that the cave could be poisonous. He fished a silk cloth out of his pouch. Heil threw one to Kanan before wrapping the one in his other hand on his face.

Kanan stared at the cloth, it was a plain dark blue color and was long enough to bind a sack of rice. Kanan could sense some magical power emitting from the cloth. He shrugged his shoulders and did what Heil did.

Heil nodded in approval, seemed like the idiot's brain was still operating. He beckoned Kanan, and they entered the cave.

The cave's interior was dark, but it wasn't an obstacle to them. The silk cloth wrapped on their face, glowed faintly, allowing them to see the surroundings.

They descended until a green fog made them pause for a bit, it was quite difficult to continue— the fog was too dense. By now, both of them were holding on to each other—making sure that the other wasn't lost in the dense fog.

Heil held Kanan's rough hand while his other hand held the compass— that's arrows were rapidly spinning in all kinds of directions. The compass was now useless. Heil hid it in his pouch.

Heil went to his left, and after a while, the fog started to lessen, and they could see a little bit clearer now. When there wasn't a fog anymore, they arrived at a circular area free of debris that made Kanan almost trip earlier.

Heil removed his hand from Kanan's and unfastened the cloth covering his face. "We arrived at the herbs spawn spot." He said, looking at Kanan, who followed his actions and remov-yanked the silk cloth.

Kanan didn't reply and continued inhaling deeply, feeling grateful that he was free from the cloth that made him have a hard time breathing.

'So dramatic,' Heil rolled his eyes. Gods didn't need to breathe that much because they were already immortals. The act of not breathing was one of the first things they would learn when becoming a God.

It was necessary for them to learn, in order not to inhale the impurities in the air in the mortal realm. And another reason why it was learned, was because it was tedious to breathe. Gods were lazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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