Chapter 3

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I find it funny that most of the people I know right now are at church for Easter, and here I am at home, writing gay fanfiction.  It's a good thing that my family is open-minded, because I think that I would probably offend them if they were not.  My brother and I do not celebrate Easter, but I am excited for my mother's holiday cooking and of course lots of chocolate.  Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, I hope that you have a fantastic break filled with family and good food.  This chapter is my Easter gift to you.   -Yee <3

         Chapter Three

     Chanyeol sat waiting in his car, utterly awestruck by the scene in front of him. After about half an hour of searching the school grounds and desperately texting people that the boy might know, he was just about to give up on his pursuit of Byun Baekhyun when none other than Junmyeon, the student body vice-president, just so happened to be hanging up team spirit posters outside of the gym. After explaining the whole notebook predicament that the two found themselves in, Junmyeon willingly gave up the president's home information without question. It almost seemed too easy - and perhaps a bit disconcerting, given how simple it was to obtain that kind of personal information - but he couldn't find it in himself to complain at the moment.

     Only now, as he sat waiting in his vehicle at the end of the guy's driveway, attempting to think of a way to approach the quite substantial home, did he begin to reconsider his plan. Chanyeol came from a modest, middle class family. His parents owned a small, traditional restaurant that had been passed down by Chanyeol's grandfather, and while his home was attractive and far from inadequate by any means, it held no comparison to the mansion that stood before him. Chanyeol tapped his fingers nervously on the dashboard while he thought about it.

     He didn't know why he was hesitating though, really. Baekhyun was just a guy. Plain and simple. A guy that everyone knew and said was nice and genuinely liked, and Chanyeol knew that he was a nice, likeable guy. Besides, it was just a notebook. Delivering a notebook to a friend. Well, a maybe-someday-soon-friend.

     He shook his head, flashing himself an encouraging smile in the rear view mirror. "Park Chanyeol, fighting."

     He nodded, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the car, the old door groaning in protest as he made his way up the paved pathway with Baekhyun's notes in hand. Chanyeol pressed a finger to the doorbell. He listened to the chime from the other side, waiting patiently, tapping his foot, humming softly, doing nearly anything to distract himself because he still wasn't sure if he really wanted to do this. And he was just about to press the buzzer again when Baekhyun opened the door, eyebrows knit and soft, pink lips parted.

  "Chanyeol," Baekhyun spoke, surprised to see the basketball player on his doorstep.

  "Hi, um, our notebooks got mixed up this morning by accident. I thought you might need it," Chanyeol said, holding up the collection of papers. After a moment, Baekhyun's eyes widened, realization dawning on him.

  "Uh, yeah!" He said a little too loudly. The boy looked down for a moment, clearing his throat awkwardly. Chanyeol fought the urge to smile.

  "Come in," Baekhyun invited, stepping back and opening the door wider. He chuckled slightly as the taller handed him his notes. "I was actually going to bring you your book on Monday. I didn't have your number or anything, so I didn't know if you would really need it this weekend or not."

  "Yeah, I just happened to run into Junmyeon after practice. I asked him where you live. I hope you don't mind." Chanyeol rubbed a hand down the nape of his neck, glancing away shyly. It had sure as hell not been an accident, but maybe Baekhyun didn't need to know that.

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