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The next morning you woke up for school you felt like you'd been run over by a train, your head was pounding, your mouth was dry, and your stomach was aching. You'd already been to the toilet more times than you could count, throwing up practically air at this point. So you opted out on school today and sat around your house lounging about, bored out of your mind. You've already watched scary movie after scary movie and soon grew bored of it.

You were currently in the shower singing lyrics to some love song you heard on the radio, as you hit a high note you realised that the doorbell was ringing. Quickly stopping the shower and pulling your robe around your wet body, along with a towel on your head, you headed downstairs to open the front door. You were certainly surprised to see your friends on your front porch all smiles, happy to see you. 

"Oh, hey guys," you laughed lightly while trying to cover your body more by crossing your arms. If anything, it made it worse and pushed your breasts up, exposing more cleavage.

"Hey Bella, you weren't at school today, so we came by to check on you," Sidney smiled.

You sent a smile back and ushered everyone in, as Billy and Stu passed you, you couldn't ignore their looks that instantly made you feel hot all over. Billy's eyes glanced down to his mark on your neck that you forgot to cover, you blushed as he sent you a smirk from his attractive face.  Quickly you took them all into the living room to sit, your nerves heightened around the two attractive boys as their stares never left you. 

"Uh you guys wait here, and I'll go get dressed quickly. There's movies in the cabinet if you get bored, all scary of course," you winked at Randy and laughed when his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

You spun around and bolted up the stairs, not wanting to take a long time. Pulling off your towel on your head you threw it into your hamper basket and grabbed a clean towel to dry your body, after taking off your robe leaving you naked. After drying yourself off you wrapped the towel around your body and started searching for something to wear but instead was interrupted by Stu barging into your room, nearly making you scream.

"Stu, what the hell I'm getting dress!" You whisper yelled to the taller boy. He shrugged as he looked around your room before his blue eyes landed on you.

"You looked too good to be left alone," he mumbled as he eyed the blue towel wrapped tightly around your body. He took steps forward until he had you backed against your white desk, your breathing uneven at the close proximity between the two of you. 

"What are you doing?" You muttered as he leaned down and placed soft kisses on your neck, setting the skin on fire in his wake. His lips touched Billy's hickey that your forgot to cover, your breath hitched as he sucked on it lightly before moving down to your collar bone to give you another bruise. You whined as he bit and sucked. 

"Haven't stop thinking about your lips," Stu mumbled against your skin as your eyes met. He finally pulled back to admire his work, a genuine smile sat on his lips as he examined it, adverting his gaze his blue eyes met yours before trailing down to your lips. It was your turn to gulp now as you felt nerves bubble up in the pit of your stomach.

"Really?" You breathed.

"Yeah," he sighed. You felt his breath hit your lips, his minty smell hitting your nose along with his addictive cologne.

"What are you waiting for then?" You whispered, your eyes darting up to his.

He finally pushed forward and placed his soft lips on yours, the feeling making you moan at how good they felt against yours. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him, causing you to feel his bulge against your lower stomach. You let a gasp slip at the feeling of him against you and Stu didn't waste anytime to slip his tongue into your mouth, your tongues dancing with one another, moans being captured in each other's mouths. His hands soon gripped the towel which made you pull away from him, Stu let out a whimper, making you feel like you just kicked a puppy. Placing your hands on the back of his neck you used your thumb to stoke the hot skin as you stared up at him.

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