Chapter 31

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It was almost impossible to get sleep but I finally felt myself drifting. I was about to fall into sleep when I felt something. I ignored it, I was just going crazy. The room was getting to me again. But this time I felt it a second time. I snapped my head up to look at his, nothing. I felt him though, I felt his fingers move in mine. I starred down at our hands watching them for a few seconds before I felt it again. But this time instead of only feeling it, I saw it. I saw his hand squeeze down on mine slightly.

My eyes widened as I stood up starrning down at him. It was like this was a dream, I actually pinched myself to see if I was awake, and I fully was.

"Harry?" I asked starring down at him preparing to let the tears start again. I saw his eyes flutter and I fell down in the chair beside him grabbing his hand. The next thing I saw brought tears over my eyes. A weak smile stretched across his face as his eyes hung heavily. I brought my hand to my lips and kissed it seeing his smile stretch a little more, he was awake.

"Harry!?" I repeated. He swallowed and his eyes opened a little more for me. I saw his head shift slightly and I sprung up shocked.

"I have to go get a doctor! Oh my god!" I said bringing my free hand to my mouth gasping. He squeezed onto my hand and pulled on it slightly before his weak arm gave away and it fell back to the bed. I looked down at him and he cleared his throat.

"Water." He whispered. I quickly reached for the cup of water that had been sitting there waiting for him to awake. He shifted slightly in his bed and slowly sat up leaning his back against the bed. He took another sip then swallowed and repeated until he was refreshed.I took the cup from him and he lied back down.

"Dont get them, not yet. I just want to be with you." He said making my eyes fill up. I said down beide him and he squeezed my hand making the tears roll off my cheek.

"I thought I lost you." I said breaking out into a sob. He looked over at me and frowned.

"I'd never leave you." He said starring at me worried.

"How's he doing?" The doctor asked walking in and interupting. I snapped my head to the left and whipped my tears away taking my hand out of Harry's. "You're awake!?" He added. He called some nurses in and told me that I needed to leave for a short while when they did some tests and what not. I kissed Harry's head letting the moment sink into my memory and then got up leaving him. This time when I left the hospital bed I left with a smile on my face.


Harry's pov

I kept having the same night mare. I'd be in the car on the way back to the house and a truck would smash into my car, but instead of waking up I died. I watched Cassidy's stuggle with my death and everytime before I wake up I see her trying to kill herself. The same nightmare every time.

I pried my eyes open gasping feeling the sweat formed on my forehead from the nightmare. My eyes darted around the room, I was back at home instead of that awful hospital bed. I sunk back into the bed sighing. I had been home for about a week now but the memories still haunted me. The fact that I left Cassidy with that burning feeling of me leaving her killed me. It ripped me apart. I lived it every night as I watched her deal with it.

"You're up." A soft voice said making me turn my head to the door way. She was leaning against the doorframe in leggings and a large jumper, a smile automatically spread on my face. I nodded and she frowned walking over to the bed.

"Did you have another nightmare?" She asked running her thumb over my cheek. I nodded and she frowned again. She left for a moment then returned with a damp cloth and began dabbing it at my forehead making me close my eyes.

"I'm still here." She whispered as she kissed my temple. I nodded again and she pulled the cloth away from my forehead and kissed it. I shifted in the bed and patted the room beside me and she didnt argue. She smiled and lifted the covers off of me lying down beside me. I slowly wrapped my arms around her finding myself still weak from the collision. She carefully tried lying her head on my chest as slow as she could which just ended up making me laugh.

"It's okay." I said running my hand up and down her arm. She gently wrapped her arms around my torso and lied her head down on my chest. I closed my eyes taking in this moment. It was the first time Cassidy and I had cuddled since before the accident. I kissed her head and she ran circles on my chest, our favourite position. So many things ran through my mind when we cuddled, just all the things we have been through. I always think back to how we used to be before we dated and how innocent she was. We've been through alot this past month and it's put our relationship to the test but Cassidy and I are only closer. The whole Louis thing was blown over, he appologized and he and I too are closer then ever. Him and Eleanor come over for dinner alot. The only thing that isnt settled is Juilliard, she has yet to decide what to do with that.

"Harry." She said quietly interupting me.

"Yes love." i said as she held onto my tightly.

"I've decided." She said sitting up making me sit up also. I brushed the hair off of her shoulder and left my handon it trying to make this easier on her. Whatever decision she made I'd be 100% okay with.

"I talked to my dad about it, you know for advice." She said meeting my gaze. I nodded and edged her to continue.

"What did he say?" I asked clearing my throat.

"He said that I should go unless I can find a really good reason to stay." She said making me dip my head and nod as I starred down at the sheets and nodded. She was going, there wasnt a good enough reason to stay. She brought both of her hands to my face and tilted it up to look at her.

"I'm staying." She said making my eyes widen.

"What? Why? There isnt a good enough reason." I said confused. She nodded smiling.

"You're a good enough reason, I want to stay here with you and live our life out." She said making a huge smile stretch across my facea s i felt the need to let some tears slip. I wrapped my arms aorund her waist and hers went around my neck as I kissed her neck making her giggle.

"I love you so much Cassidy." I said in her ear.

'I love you too Harry." She said as she held onto me and ran her hands through my curls. She broke away slightly and returned her lips to mine softly as she kissed me gently. She pulled away leaning her forehead on mine and rubbed my shoulders. She pulled away smiling and reached over to the side table handing me my cup of water and two pills.

"Take your medicine." She said quietly as she smiled. I obeyed her and threw the two pills in my mouth and swallowed them then set the cup back down. I grabbed her hand and lied back down pulling her with me so she lied back down in my hold. I kissed her head and closed my eyes knowing that I ouldnt have those nightmares anymore. Cassidy was here to stay, for the long run.




Yay he's awake and she''s staying :) I just couldnt deal with the drama guys I couldnt do it he had to wake up and she had to stay! I only have a few more chapters left of this ( :( ) most of them will be filers before I get to the main big one. Cant believe I'm over half way to 3000, Thank you guys SOOOOOOOO much. Love you all <3


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