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The Beginning

Early in the morning, dawn have succumbed and a new day have started for students to learn. A big white house stand out between two regular houses. The door in the front opened revealing a tiny frame of a 7 year old child. She walk out in the house followed by a man in his 30s. The man halted and kissed his wife whom was standing at the doorframe.

"We'll be going now", the man tenderly smiled.

"Alright, be careful on the road okay. Take care", Han Yujin chuckled at her husband. She look at her daughter standing beside her father and bended down to her level. Placing her palms on both of her cheeks she gently caressed them.

" Yu-ri ah, make sure to behave in class and study well okay? Don't get into trouble and make sure to be good at everyone, okay?"

She softly remind her. Little Yu-ri smiled at her while giving her a thumbs up. Satisfied, she hurriedly shooed the duo in the car.


It had been almost a day since she was in school. After lunch, the children were playing with each other. Others were sleeping except for her. Han Yu-ri had been impatient to go home. She did not like school were children socialised, she preferred solitude and a quite place were she can nap. But during her time in the place, it was very loud and because of this she almost covered her ears and ran away from there. But she endured for the sake of not getting scolded by her parents. She hated her father's loud voice. Yes, she love her parents, but she had always favor to be in her own bubble.

After many hours. It was already three in the afternoon, indicating that classes were over. Parents were seen coming by to get their children. Time passed by, children in nursery slowly lessen until only a couple are left. Han Yu-ri pouted, she was getting bored on waiting and look at her Teacher who seemed to be distracted consoling a crying child nearby about his scrape knee. Not noticing a ball of black mane quietly running in the corner.

Pads of tiny steps were the only thing that could be heard walking on the concrete at the desolated street. Yu-ri decided to explore the schools neighbourhood since she was bored waiting, so why not go for a walk for now.

It was until she heard cries and almost the sound of something being hit at the back of the wall just a couple of steps in front of her. She stop, sweat drop her brows as she was nervous. Was someone getting hurt? For some reason she wanted to run away from the scene. She did not want to get involve in any fights for if she would. She might get scolded and she did not want her parents to be disappointed at her. But this is critical, someone was getting bullied. She didn't want to leave the person fending for themselves, what if something worse happens if she leaves. Guilt would be the only thing she might feel.

And so with a clench fist she pick up a ragged stone that was the size of her hand. Sighing with determination, she went out on the wall. And look at the scene in front of her, seeing two children a little bit older than 10 years old beating a boy her age. He was curling himself up as they kick him resulting him with cries and whimpers. His hands was covering his head as the two bullies continued to assault and laugh at him. As she watch, Han Yu-ri can't help but feel anger built up seeing them beat up an innocent child.

"Yah! You fat pigs! Beating someone smaller than you won't make you feel superior!"

With that their assault halted and look at her. The bully bigger than the two snickered at her.

" Well if it isn't it a pretty sister, Ya! Loser! It looks like somebody wants to save you. Did you become a damsel in distress who needs his knight in shining armour in order to save him?"

The bully kick the child on the arm. But for some reason the boy only remained silent and stared at her figure standing in front of them. Not receiving a response. This caused the bully to get irritated and was about to beat him again when he suddenly fell on the ground clutching the front of his pants. His partner seeing his state look at Yu-ri and was about to run after her when the child they just bullied suddenly jump on his back and bit his neck, to the point were blood could be seen dripping down his shoulders. Causing the bully to scream in pain. He tousled and swinged him. Trying to get him off. With much force he elbowed him as this caused the child to land on the ground.

Pissed off, he stomp towards him raising his fist. Before he could touched him he also felll on the ground clutching his jewels. He look the girl in his back as she back away.

" You little shi—!"

He didn't get to finished his sentence when Yu-ri suddenly raised her hand filled with the stone hitting him right in the face with every strength she got. Knocking him out cold in the ground with his partner right beside him still clutching in pain. Yu-ri looked at the boy who seems to be already looking at her and grab his hand.

" Hurry! We should get out of here!"


They were now behind the tree in the park resting against it aways from human eyes. Breathing heavily, each breath a pounding of the heart could be heard. Han Yu-ri leaned against it sliding down until she felt the ground beneath her butt. She can't help but feel happy and relieve at the same time. That was a very nerve wracking experience and she can't help but felt exhilarated about it.

Looking down she saw a a foot bigger than hers in front of her. She glanced at the owner of the foot. Seeing the boy who was beaten up now staring at her.

"What is it?"

He didn't utter a word, just wordlessly staring at her. Causing Han Yu-ri to squirm feeling uncomfortable of the gaze he was directing at her. She tried to look at anything but him. Why does this feel like being scrutinise instead of being thank at?

"I didn't ask for help..I can help myself", she heard his voice laced with coldness.

That was the first sentence he uttered while staring at her. She look at him. Ignoring his word and inspected his clothing that had wrinkles and dirt all over. His face have been dirtied with dust and mud. Hair messy and was all over the place. Complete opposite of her. Pulling out her handkerchief, she stop in front of him and gently rub his face with it. The boy quickly took a hold of her arm, glaring at her.

"What are you doing? Didn't I said that you didn't have to help me."

"I did it, not because I wanted to", she stared back. She didn't know why she even help him. She didn't want to involve in any fight. Now, here she is. Helping someone who didn't need any help but still got beaten up.


"I guess..I just didn't want you seeing getting hurt, that's why I help", she shrug and continued to rub his face trying to get the dirt cleaned out. She didn't notice his hand falling limp in his side while staring at her. After sometime, she heard him asking her in softer tone.

"What's..your name?"

After looking at the boy's now cleaned face. She admired his features. She already have a speculation that when he grows older. He would be an attractive individual. She smiled at him.

" Yu-ri, Han Yu-ri. Yours?"

"Yoon Gwinam."

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